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     Žitni krog napoveduje prihod Kristusovega otroka
     |  Verzija prirejena za tiskanje
    Gost: Marinka
     november 27 2008 22:29  (Prebrano 4280 krat)  

    Letos 22.julija se je v Avebury Manor v Angliji pojavil velik žitni krog, ki ga lahko vidite preko spodnjih linkov in na linku (pojdite na levi na Earth Log in potem na strani, ki se odpre, čisto spodaj).
    Analiza tega kroga kaže, da nam govori nekaj o decembru 2012, času, ko se konča Majevski koledar. V tistem času bo stopil v naš sončni sistem velik svetel komet. To je potrdilo tudi preko Carolyn Evers prejeto kanalizirano sporočilo od Nadangela Metatrona.
    Nekje iz druge dimenzije, iz konstalacije zvezd, so skozi Galaktični center, iz Sonca, začele prihajati močne energije, ki naj bi vplivale na vse planete sončnega sistema, in prišle na Zemljo približno v času Jezusovega rojstva, natančneje 28. decembra 2012. Te energije bodo poponoma transformirale vse na Zemlji. Veliko ljudi ne bo moglo vzdržati te spremembe energije , če se ne bodo prej pripravili - očistili starih zastarelih energij. Panika pa pri tem ni potrebna, ker se ima vsak še čas pripraviti na to ogromno spremembo.
    Žitni krog, ki se je pojavil v Angliji, napoveduje prihod majhnega otroka - velike spremembe. To bo dogodek, ki bo popolnoma transformiral zavest na Zemlji. Komet ga napoveduje.
    Prilagam elektonsko sporočilo v angleščini, ki sem ga o tem prejela.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Richard Presser
    To: 'Lady of the Light'
    Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 6:12 AM
    Subject: Crop Circle predicts the coming of the Christ child

    Crop Circle predicts the coming of the Christ child
    After you have read this, I ask that you share this message with as many people as possible. A copy of it is available at http://www.metatron Crop_circle_ predicts. htm
    I am about to share with you a profound channelling. It has to do with the unfolding of an event which may or may not already be in your awareness. This event is widely known as Ascension. Ascension involves a transition in consciousness for the inhabitants of planet Earth and the planet itself.
    For many of you, this will come as a surprise. For others, it is a term with which you are familiar; however what it means may be a little unclear. For others, you may have a clear view of what you believe it means, however most of us have been subject to a lot of disinformation about it and, frankly, the specifics have not been available to fully understand – until now.
    There have been many messages from many places about Ascension. What is different about this one is that it is directly associated with a crop circle pattern that was laid down on July 22, 2008 at Avebury Manor in England. http://www.cropcirc leconnector. com/2008/ aveburymanor2/ aveburymanor2008 b.html

    Those who have analysed this pattern have realised it is telling us something about December 2012, the time of the ending of the Mayan Calendar, including the arrival of a comet that, according to the crop circle site, our astronomers are as yet unaware of.
    For some of you, the idea that crop circles are not manmade and carry messages for humanity will come as a surprise. If so, I suggest you browse www.cropcircleconne and see for yourself the extraordinary patterns that are being laid down. You will quickly realise these patterns are not, for the most part, manmade and if you want to examine these phenomena in more detail, I highly recommend Star Dreams.
    How come these extraordinary messages receive no mainstream publicity? I’ll leave you to reflect on that question as a thread by which you may begin to pull your perceived reality apart.
    If you are unfamiliar with the ending of the long cycle Mayan Calendar in December 2012, I suggest you do a little research on the Internet via Google to fill in the blanks, so to speak.
    The arrival of comets has a deep sub-conscious pull for mankind as they have been seen and understood over the millennia as messengers alerting us to great change. And so it is with this one.
    And now, to the channelling.
    We have the explanation that Lord Metatron was going to provide to us in relation to the Crop Circle. The comet coming in relation to, around the time of, Jeshua’s birth.

    I am being directed to Galactic Centre.
    And of course looking at our galaxy, not from the inside but from the exterior, I see a bulge, which looks like a line going through it. They wanted to show me that first. And then they’re taking me inside. I am standing there in the black hole which is right outside of Galactic Centre. And in 2012 there’s all this energy being fed into Galactic Centre through the black hole. I’m tracing where it’s coming from. There’s a whole string. Energy is like being… it’s coming from a constellation of stars. I don’t know how far it is - in another dimension.
    It is other life that is held in black matter. We’ve talked about this, the yin and the yang, the plus and the minus. So black matter is life just like us except it is the opposite electrical field.
    And so this energy is coming from a very advanced constellation. Actually it’s three constellations set up in the pattern that we are familiar with - the triangle. And it is the cycle. They’re sending the energy through this black hole into Galactic Centre. 2012, December - the date that that energy comes through the black hole is not the same date that the child will be born. Even though it might seem that it should be instantaneous it is not. There is a lag period from the time that it comes through the black hole. No. It is not that. From the time that it is discharged from this triangular configuration and then moves through the black hole and then into Galactic Centre. And it is that energy that comes through in December that transforms Earth. Not only Earth but it imprints our entire solar system. And so all the planets are sharing in this energy pattern. The other planets in our solar system, they imprint this energy also. Of course the energy comes through the sun.
    I’m seeing the 28th. The child to be born on the 28th.
    Energy comes through the sun and joins that moment. It will repeat what happened earlier when the solar wind stopped (1999) http://science. newhome/headline s/ast13dec99_ 1.htm. The electrons that are the solar wind will stop. It will stop for three days, as that energy which came through the black hole imprints Earth. And of course it will imprint all of the other planets. The planets, each of them imprinting in some fashion their energy. Because each planet has a different energy, you know, and a different purpose. And during those three days this energy will completely alter the particles on Earth. They will be transformed. It will be like an explosion into every particle on Earth, and human beings even, where the electrons will have more space in between them. The planet will be re-patterned.
    And there will be many who will not be able to withstand the change in the energy pattern because they have done no preparation. And if their bodies have not been cleared and they are filled with, as you call it, stuck energy from the past, they will perish during those three days. It’s not a punishment mind you. It’s just that they will not - the physical - will not be able to be supported with the change in the energy. Just because this energy has come does not mean that every soul who is here on this planet will survive.
    They all have the opportunity to ascend.
    But those who have not worked on this process will not survive the pressure against the physical. The changing in the cells will be too much for them. Those who have prepared or have been attempting to prepare will have cells that are crystalline. Those who have not prepared at all, their cells will be carbon based and they will not be able to survive under this (he is showing me this great pressure that will be exerted upon it) great pressure. They will die from it.
    And those who are of the dark, who have no intention of moving towards the light, will not be able to exist in these energies either.
    And so the good news is everyone has the opportunity to ascend. And the good news is those who perish will reincarnate in another place where the energies will be similar.
    This is the justice of the moment, in a sense. Those who have worked will receive their reward. Those who have not will receive also what they didn’t give. Each will have their own result.
    And so what the crop circle is telling you is that this great change has to do with Galactic Centre. The energy comes through because of all the alignments. It is simply the alignments that allow the energy to come in on a straight line to come to Earth. It is like a lock, where you need a key to unlock the lock. And that is what 2012 is. This giant clockwork in the cosmos has lined up in a certain fashion for the energy to come through. And as this process unfolds, and as in so many things in life, humanity has always been warned.
    Warnings are not always dire things. Warnings can sometimes be an announcement of the most profound, of the most powerful and yet of the most sublime. And this is what this child is. Powerful and sublime.
    Isn’t that not what love is actually? The most powerful? The most sublime?
    The little child, the little child, one day, they say was born in Bethlehem so long ago. This little child will not be born in Bethlehem. But this little child will come in 2012 and the comet will proclaim his coming. So you might say, in essence, this is his comet. And those who watch the sky will remember that it was once called the Star of Bethlehem but since this child will not be born in Bethlehem then there is this comet announcing his birth.
    Channelled by Carolyn Evers

    You may listen to the channelling at: http://www.metatron Recordings/ Crop_circle_ predicts_ the_coming_ Christ_child. mp3
    I encourage you to do so, as you will experience the energy and the unfolding of this wondrous message.
    As I said at the beginning, this is a profound channelling. It tells of an event which will transform consciousness on this planet as we have known it. It tells of the coming forth on Earth of an aspect of that great soul that sent forth the one we know as Jeshua or Jesus, the first soul created after the seraphim and cherubim, the one known throughout the cosmos as “The Radiant One” because of his great light. His birth will trigger the Ascension process on planet Earth.
    Please be clear, this not something to fear. Know that you chose to be present on the planet at this time to participate in this event, even if you may currently have no conscious awareness of it.
    I encourage you to visit the crop circle website at http://www.cropcirc leconnector. com/2008/ aveburymanor2/ aveburymanor2008 b.html and see for yourself what the analysts have come up with about this crop circle. It correlates powerfully with this channelling. It is a tangible, real world pointer to what is unfolding. Get clear about the truth of this for yourself. You owe it to yourself to do so.
    And so it is.
    Blessings, joy, love and peace.
    Dr. Richard Presser
    November 27, 2008
    Again, please share this message as widely as possible so as many as possible can begin to prepare. Or point them to http://www.metatron Crop_circle_ predicts. htm.
    http://www.metatron soul_journey_ of_jeshua. html
    http://www.metatron newsletter_ sign_up.html

     november 27 2008 23:51   
    Forum Admin

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    Registriran: 05/26/02
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    Hoj jaz linkeca do kroga žal ne najdem

    your life, your expression, your software
    Profil Spletna stran
    Gost: Marinka
     november 28 2008 08:11   

    Linkov forum izgleda, da res ne omogoča. V naslovno vrstici piši navedeni www naslov in poišči.

     november 28 2008 09:11   
    Forum Admin

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 05/26/02
    Posts: 1290

    sej sem gledal na njihovi strani pa ne najdem žitnega kroga

    drugač to narediš tako da se postaviš ko stran odpre na ustrezen link, in daš desno tipko in copy sorthcut pa jo pastaš direkt.

    your life, your expression, your software
    Profil Spletna stran
    Gost: Marinka
     november 28 2008 09:50   

    Jaz najdem na več zgornjih spletnih naslovih žitni krog. Linka pa žal tudi po tvojem predlogu ne uspem ustvariti.

    Gost: Marinka
     november 28 2008 23:01   

    Danes sem prejela dodatno kanalizirano sporočilo Nadangela Metatrona, posredovano preko Carolyn Evers. Sporoča, da bo v letu 2012 prišlo tako do zemeljskih sprememb kot tudi do preobrata , ki ga v svetu imenujejo "Ascension". To je bilo v Zemljo in njeno atmosfero vprogramirano v letu 1999, ko je solarni dež oziroma solarni veter tri dni ustavil sončeve aktivnosti (upam, da sem prav prevedla). To je prišlo direktno iz Vira v središču Kozmusa. To vpliva na spremembe, ki se dogajajo na Zemlji. Do sprememb na Zemlji prihaja še iz več drugih vzrokov. Eden od teh je, da se energetski plato sistem okoli Zemlje stara in je treba, da se "pomladi". Planet Zemlja mora po naravni poti napredovati in se pozdraviti. Velike spremembe se dogajajo tudi v DNA ljudi, v človeških celicah. Velike spremembe se dogajajo v kristalnem središču (jedru) Zemlje. To vpliva na eksponentno rastoče spremembe vremena, do sprememb v scenariju potresov, vulkanov.
    Nadangel metatron sporoča, da bodo te spremembe dopustili toliko, kolikor bodo nujne za napredek, ter da bodo ta nevidna bitja svetlobe iz spiritualnega sveta delala na uravnovešanju zemeljskih sprememb in tudi človeških bitij.

    Nadangel Metatron pravi, da je za človekovo ravnovesje zelo dobro vizualizirati, kako človek sedi v centru dveh trikotnikov, ki se srečata - to je v centru šestokrate zvezde oziroma tako imenovane Davidove zvezde.
    Planet Zemlja se v letu 2012 ne bo sam uničil, ampak bo potem ostal za vedno spremenjen. To se bo kar natančno zgodilo 28. decembra 2012. Pravi, da bo Mati prinesla otroka, ta otrok pa bo predstavnik duše, ki jo mi razumemo kot Jezus.
    Prišel bo v tem času, da bo poživel DNA od kozmičnega para, ki ga na Zemlji poznamo kot Jezus in Marija Magdalena.
    Podrobneje o tem lahko preberete v spodnjem kanaliziranem sporočilu v angleščini.
    Lord Metatron: Earth Changes and Ascension
    ============ ========= ========= ========= =

    Due to earth changes, will ascension occur during the year 2012?
    This is an interesting question. One event does not preclude the other. At this time, both are necessary and have been programmed into the grid system and into the directives which have been connected to the Earth which comes from Source and then through the Galactic Center.

    Both of these events have been predicted by the Mayan calendar and also in their symbols which are written on their temples and documented into their art graphics.

    Understand that each activity, even though it is connected in some form, really represents individual activities. Earth changes will come about for different reasons than what you call ascension.

    Earth changes are happening for several reasons.

    Lets us look at these changes from the perspective of required and necessary and then from human activities. Earth changes were and are still being triggered because of the aging plate system around the globe. Just like a farmer who leaves some fields fallow to rejuvenate, and uses some fields for their daily needs, the Earth needs to do this also. Therefore, you can find in your geologic records where this has happened in the past.

    There have been land masses which have fallen and some land masses which have risen. Perhaps the best known example of this that is still contained in the human consciousness is the falling of Atlantis beneath the waves. You face this during dream time and sometimes even during meditation as there are still some issues that humans need to clear with regard to this.

    The need for the rejuvenation of the plates system can be found in the natural way of the progression of the planet and also because of human consciousness which has aligned along methods that are not in keeping with the health of the planet; therefore, there is a need to sweep away such negativity. These activities have nothing to do with ascension, but rather aligned with the natural force of husbandry.

    Some of the Earth changes are very much attached with the coming changes emanating from Galactic Center. In 1999 there was a blast from the sun whereby the usual electron activity considered the solar rain, or solar wind, stopped their activity for three days. In those three days the earth was imprinted with messages and directives that came directly from All-There-Is, or Source, Prime Creator in the center of the cosmos. Those directives were very much connected to the ascension protocol and this did indeed affect the earth changes.

    There was a change made in the DNA of humans which triggered all sorts of changes in the human frame, one being changes in the cells themselves moving the electrical charge from being carbon based to light based, or crystalline. This is very necessary for the physical to upgrade all systems in the physical. This blast also changed the very basic fabric connected to the natural world also. So this is an alignment of the natural world as there was also a slight change in the center of the planet in what you call the core. There was a change there also.

    The core has a crystal Merkaba and this spins just as yours can do and the spin was slowed down and this allowed for the, what is being called the Still Point to begin its progression of evolving which in turn affects weather and you can see the weather changes have been increasing exponentially.

    This slight change in the core has also allowed or perhaps mandated in the natural world to trigger changes in earthquake scenarios and also in volcanism. All of this is necessary for the ascension of the planet and therefore we take the position that what is necessary to progress we will allow to progress, and work on balancing the earth changes and the human being also.

    We give directives for balance to the forces in the center of the planet and also the devas of nature and other over lighting guidance in the natural world. For humanity, we give protocols such as the Hara information which is now on the website and also such things as moving into sacred geometric shapes for balance.

    You can imagine yourself sitting into the Holon configuration which in effect is two triangles whereby the base of each triangle meets and you imagine yourself sitting in the center. Both of these exercises are very powerful in balancing the human frame and the connection to the brain and ultimately the mind.

    These events would happen regardless of where the development of the human spirit would evolve. Some of these activities cannot be changed, but we in the spiritual world of guidance can indeed help to find balance in the changes and we do this.

    The stepping up of what you call ascension as we said is very connected to the Mayan Calendar which mentions a time when the planet is in direct alignment with Cosmic Center. This has been given the name of a time frame which occurs in the year 2012.

    As you are well aware, the planet will not self destruct at that moment, but it will remain forever changed as at that point of time in December of that year and the 28th day to be precise, a mother will bring forth a child and that child will be a representative from that soul that you understand to be Jesus, or Jeshua.

    He comes at that moment to enliven the DNA of all of those souls who carry the DNA from that cosmic couple that you know of as the Cup of the Grail, Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The triggering of this DNA will spark the means for souls to finally ascend along with the planet which is very intimately connected to humanity.

    Lord Metatron

    Received by Carolyn Evers
    Carolyn Evers is a messenger for the spiritual hierarchy. She has written six books and a course, "Journey To The Other Side." Her work encompasses information that she has received from the Spiritual Hierarchy. Carolyn believes that there is a connection between spirituality and science, and she endeavors to incorporate scientific research along with what she receives from spirit. Her work can be found at * www.CarolynEvers. com * and her contact address is * Carolyn@CarolynEver My latest websites is www.SteveFossettLiv * * www.metatronminutes .com/ * She also works with the Cherubim Angels and reads from the Universal Akashic Records. She has two radio shows with BBS Radio, The Message and The Messenger. Call in for healings and readings from the Akashic Records * USA Toll Free 1-877-876-5227 * Canada Toll Free 1-888-815-9756 *

    Dr. Richard Presser works closely with Carolyn and is the author of "The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it" - www.thecominggolden * PO Box 1314 * Blackburn North, VIC 3130 * Australia *

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