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december 15 2008 22:25 (Prebrano 1009 krat)
Status: neprijavljen
Registriran: 05/26/02
Posts: 1290
Se opravičujem, ker je v angleščini ampak trenutno še nismo prevedli, če se vam zdi nam lahko kdo pomaga.
* * * * *
iPeace first annual peace celebration day.
Thanks in advance for joining iPeace first global celebration for peace:
iPeace Day 31.12.2008
Sharing Peace – Making A Difference
There are a million things you can do without leaving home.
Be peaceful
Dedicate yourself to sharing your peace – 'infect' peace around you.
*kiss for Peace
* Write a poem for peace
* Make a video. Post a video
* Organize a concert for peace
* Play music in the streets for peace
* Plant a tree
* Blog or write an article
* Organize a gathering
* Pray
* Light a candle
* Teach peace
* Organize iPeace Day events in your campus
* Meditate
* Run for Peace. Walk for peace
* Organize a game or a match for peace (any sport)
* Have peace dinner with friends (or with strangers)
Anything that will express peace – for you.
Live without fear
your life, your expression, your software
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