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     Spisek forumov > Splošno > Aktualno doma in globalno Nov topic Pošlji odgovor
     |  Verzija prirejena za tiskanje
     november 17 2008 22:21  (Prebrano 1363 krat)  
    Forum Admin

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 05/26/02
    Posts: 1290

    Tole mi pošilja Vesta, prva napoved luštkanega 2009.

    your life, your expression, your software
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     november 17 2008 22:21   
    Forum Admin

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 05/26/02
    Posts: 1290

    Živjo, Aleš,

    tole te utegne zanimati - kratko in jedrnato,


    Finding Spirit in Work
    a message from Jennifer Hoffman, Monday, 17 November, 2008
    2008 has been a year of closure, balance, connecting to our power and releasing many old paradigms. 2009 will be a much different kind of year, one that will bring many surprises, among them changes in the kind of work that we do, new opportunities to participate in the changing corporate model and new ways to bring spirit to our work. Many people will find work opportunities that had not been previously available and invitations to use their spiritual gifts and energy in the workplace in ways that are accepted and even encouraged. The gap between doing 'spiritual' and 'material' work will narrow as well as a new recognition of spiritual work as a career and being recognized for it. These are interesting times and everything is possible.

    There was a time when 'spiritual' people did spiritual work and generally avoided or were kept out of mainstream life. There was a definite distinction between those engaged in spiritual work and everyone else. And spiritual work was generally seen as an interest or hobby and not as a 'serious' career. Spiritual workers were not always comfortable with the financial aspect of their businesses and had a difficult time explaining the benefit of their work or finding interested clients. As with many other areas of life, the Shift is changing the nature of work and will bring greater spiritual and material balance into this area.

    Our spirituality is part of everything we do, so there will be less emphasis on how spiritual the nature of our work is and more on how we bring our energy to the workplace. And workplaces will be open to receiving this energy. More energy workers and those who are spiritually knowledgeable or enlightened will be needed in every area of society, including those that have previously been closed or unavailable. This includes the corporate workplace, which is being shifted dramatically. The increased erosion of steady or guaranteed employment will bring fear and confusion as well as a need for people to clear the energy blocks that have prevented them from following their passion instead of simply earning a paycheck.

    The current changes in the structure of the work world are all part of a shifting global paradigm that will change work from what we do to get a paycheck to what we contribute based on our gifts and doing work that we love. With a growing mainstream interest in all things spiritual, opportunities for work may open up for you. Are you open to them? You may find that a job that seems to be exactly right for you and your spiritual gifts will be part of the package. Things may appear to be slowing down but they are actually preparing to take a turn into new and exciting directions. So be prepared for miracles because that is exactly what the Universe will deliver as it prepares us to share our spiritual gifts and participate in the transformation of the world of work from material to a more balanced combination with spirit.

    your life, your expression, your software
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