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     Greenpšeace išče spletne pomorščake
     |  Verzija prirejena za tiskanje
     avgust 16 2010 07:48  (Prebrano 1225 krat)  
    Forum Admin

    Status: neprijavljen

    Registriran: 05/26/02
    Posts: 1290

    Tole bom posredoval kar v angleščini:

    We're going to the frontiers of our world's oil problems

    * The Esperanza confronts reckless oil exploration
    * The Arctic Sunrise bears witness to the costs of deepwater drilling in the Gulf
    * The virtual ship the Energy [R]evolution demands a clean energy future

    In the Gulf of Mexico, our ship the Arctic Sunrise will expose the drastic long-term impacts of the worst oil spill in US history. BP might have finally plugged its leaking well, but the ecological and economic crises does not end there: many effects of this disaster will only become clear over time. Our ship hosts a team of independent scientists, ready to examine everything from the plankton on the surface to subsurface oil plumes.

    The Esperanza, meanwhile, is going to confront the oil industry as it seeks to drill in some of the most fragile places on Earth. The ship's exact destination has not yet been disclosed, and there are so many dangerous drilling sites in the world, we're going to need your help to confront them all.

    That's why we are preparing a virtual ship to sail alongside the Arctic Sunrise and the Esperanza. You will soon be able to join the crew of the Energy [R]evolution and take action with us to stop fossil fuel madness.

    You can act today by joining the 10/10/10 global day of action - let's all use this day to show our support for a clean energy future. Let's go beyond dirty, deadly oil!

    Here's to a clean energy future,

    @Greenpeace International

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