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lahko dobivaš tudi na dom.
V članku revije Auto Ekpress, povzetek je na spodnjem linkecu so navedeni testi, ki govorijo o tudi do 50% višjih emisijah "eko" vozil, od navedenih s strani tovarn.
Razlog za taka odstopanja so predvsem laboratorijske meritve, podobno kot je pri navedbah o porabi goriva. Vsi, ki smo kdaj kupovali avtomobil, smo si bili zelo hitro na jasnem da so nekaj tovarniške oznake, drugo pa je realnost. Kot kaže se to ponavlja tudi pri "ZELENIH" tehnologijah.
Today's cheats may come in more forms than you think. Nowadays, you will know that there are many different types of scams out there. There are many different versions of cheating. Whether it's cheating by hacking or extracting information that the bank has made Or from various apps that collect a lot of money ever. Including entering the information manipulation of big companies, deleting files, stealing the database of the world trade. cause data damage Its value might be a lot more than we thought. It can be said that hundreds of millions are the same. These things arise from our own human beings. who saw benefits in this area see the error in this field and cheating happened Big corporations might be able to fix it or people with money might be able to fix it. But if people who don't have money to be cheated out of their accounts, it's completely useless. It will make that person exhausted. What will you do next? Because sometimes employees have been sent, they may not get the money back for sure.