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Zato vas prosim, da si vzamete 5 minut in izpolnite to anketo:
That's not tiredness. Tiredness and tiredness are different. Tired is caused by doing something that consumes us so much energy that we are exhausted. But tiredness is caused by not getting enough rest. what do we do when We can feel that it is very tired. Even though they normally can do more. It's exhausting from inside the body. His breath came out exhausted. You can feel it from your breath that it's the same. It is something that we need to be especially careful about when taking our own rest. ur tiredness It comes in many different forms. So we need to rest our own body as well. If you can rest your body It also makes us stronger than ever.
That's not tiredness. Tiredness and tiredness are different. Tired is caused by doing something that consumes us so much energy that we are exhausted. But tiredness is caused by not getting enough rest. what do we do when We can feel that it is very tired. Even though they normally can do more. It's exhausting from inside the body. His breath came out exhausted. You can feel it from your breath that it's the same. It is something that we need to be especially careful about when taking our own rest. ur tiredness It comes in many different forms. So we need to rest our own body as well. If you can rest your body It also makes us stronger than ever.