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    Organizirane religije so ubile resnico   
    torek, 3. april 2012 @ 05:01 CEST
    Uporabnik: panefin001

    Resnice ni mogoče organizirati, zato je v organiziranih religijah ni.
    Organizacija potrebuje vsaj dva ali več članov.
    Med člani veljajo pravila kot so višji-nižji, bolj pomemben-manj pomemben…

    Vsaka organizacija katerekoli vrste ima določeno hierarhijo in vrednost vsakega člana te organizacije.
    V teh korelacijah in odnosih med pripadniki organizacije se izgubi tisto kar je povezovalno in kar je enako v vseh.
    Take umetne delitve so postale pomembnejše od resnice.

    Resnica vseh teh delitev ne pozna.
    Resnica je le ena v neštetih oblikah.
    Zato resnica in organizacija v smislu zgoraj opisanega, ne gresta skupaj.

    Kadar obstaja odnos v katerem se ti in jaz srečujeva na isti valovni dolžini in v prvi vrsti kot dva enakovredna bitja, ki so nama skupne primarne reči kot so rojstvo in smrt, potreba po ljubezni, sreči, miru…, potem obstaja med nama povsem drugačen odnos kot je to znotraj organizacije.

    Organizacija ubije to pristno in primarno ko daje pomen sekundarnemu, saj prav delitve izhajajoče iz tega, proizvajajo vsemogoče konflikte in nerazumevanja.
    V taki zmešnjavi ne komunicira več človek s človekom, temveč pozicija s pozicijo kar pa je nekaj povsem mehanskega in neživljenjskega.

    V pristnem direktnem odnosu v katerem ni manj ali več vrednega, sicer obstajajo zunanje različnosti, tisto primarno in povezovalno, človeško in ljubeče pa nam je skupno in nas povezuje.
    V takem odnosu ne obstaja trenje.

    Vse to torej ne pomeni, da se je nepotrebno organizirati v smislu kake projektne, športne ali druge skupine in delati timsko.
    Navsezadnje je vsako podjetje, tovarna, ali država svojevrstna organizacija.
    Govorim le o dejstvu, da bo sodelovanje znotraj posameznih členov veliko bolj kvalitetno, v kolikor obstaja zavedanje kaj je drugotnega pomena in se v to ne bomo zapletali.

    Glede fizičnega obsega in delitve dela so le te torej potrebne, tiste psihološke in razdiralne v smislu poveličevanja pomembnosti enega na račun drugega člena pa odpadejo, saj niso resnične ampak umetne.

    V pristnem ozračju, ki je posledica zavedanja vsega tega in kjer energija ne odteka na nepomembne reči, je omogočeno pravilno delovanje.

    »Čudež« take povezanosti omogoča presežke, ki jih ni mogoče ustvariti z nobeno umetno organizirano hierarhijo.
    Namreč globoko v vseh nas obstaja tisti občutek, ki nam omogoča pravo sproščenost in delovanje s polno energijo, šele ko začutimo enakovrednost in pravo povezanost v odnosu.
    Vse drugo predstavlja napor, ki pa nima nič skupnega z ljubeznijo.
    Delovanje skozi napor je oblika anomalije v odnosu in posledično izgubljanje energije.

    Misliti s svojo glavo, zaznavati s svojimi čutili in hkrati biti povezan, je znotraj organizirane religije praktično nemogoče, saj je resnica potisnjena v ozadje kljub temu, da se o njej toliko govori.
    Resnica je ta, ki dejansko povezuje, vse drugo pa le zgleda kot povezovanje, ki to v resnici ni.

    Prav zaradi teh dejstev organizacija, ki je bolj pomembna sama sebi kot ji je pomembna resnica, nenehno mora braniti svoje meje in krepiti svoje vrste in to na vsak način, ter dostikrat za vsako ceno.

    Organizirane religije so zavoljo vsega tega popolnoma neprimerne za podajanje resnice v njeni pristni in izvorni obliki, saj jo v bistvu popačijo in priredijo potrebam lastne organizacije.
    To o čemer pridigajo organizirane religije je le teorija in predstava, ideja o resničnem, saj se vse po vrsti raje trdno oklepajo lastnih meja in postavljenega sistema.
    Tako se brani ideja o »resnici«, kar pa s samo resnico nima nič skupnega.

    Sistem je skratka postal bolj pomemben samemu sebi od same resnice.
    Posledice so porazne.
    Tam kjer so meje, ne more biti svobode, tam kjer pa ni svobode ni resnice.
    Je le odvisnost od organizacije (ideje), ki ji posameznik pripada.

    Osvoboditev od vsega tega, prinese jasnost videnja in direktnega zaznavanja tega kar je resnično in ni ujeto v okvirje nobene organizacije, še najmanj religiozne.

    Lepota resnice ni ujeta v nobeno religiozno organizacijo, saj jim ne pripada ampak je od njih osvobojena.

    Mirko Katalenič

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  • Organizirane religije so ubile resnico | 21 komentarjev. | Nov uporabnik

    Za komentarje so odgovorni njihovi avtorji. Avtorji spletne strani na komentarje obiskovalcev nimamo nobenega vpliva.

    Organizirane religije so ubile resnico

    Prispeval/a: aries_1 dne sreda, 4. april 2012 @ 01:10 CEST
    ...s spoštovanjem, še preden črko preberm trdim, da je relativizem umoril je resnico, ker je celo relativiziral človeški razum in srce.

    Sledi torej, da /vsak drugi in eden vmes/ misli, da resnico govori.
    To vsakemu povprečno logično mislečemu človeku med nami na ulici in kmetiji očitno pove: ker je logično.

    Vsakdo ve, kar se godi je samo ideološka anarhija.
    Ker logičeno. Logika ne more biti logična in nelogična.

    ps: Naj absolutno pozabijo doktoriji gnostike in spcjalisti temne svetlobe, Kristus je Eden zato je pričeval in pričal SAMO /Eni Edini Resnici./

    To logika tudi ker je bil Kristus samo eden, ne 7 miljard nas vask po svoje /sporno mislečih/ kristusov.
    Sedaj zopet eni /vsak po svoje/ trdijo, da imajo prav.

    Kar pa istočasno ustvarri njihovo trditev, protislovje = nelogičnno, češ, da NI pravilno ker eden priča resnico.
    :e ji ede ali 2 sedita se ustvari nova "orgnizirana religija"
    ker, če so samo trije, eden logično nabol ali bo spoabe kaor drugi.
    Je torej jasno kdo je "predsednik" vodnik poglavar.
    Kar je edino pametno - logično.
    To je tudi v človeški družba organizaciji logično, ker logično doseže to /stanje/ če tudi so samo npr.treje člani.

    Potem modreci, miselci globoki trdiJO, da je možno, da organizacija 1miljada + ne potrebuje svojega
    Če mene vprašajo "nori" se taki miselci modrijani, ki pa SAMI s svojo nelogiko logike ide njihove unuč.
    Je torej klasičen prmer ideološkega samomora.
    dober dan
    In odprimo okna ker je zopet logično brez uprabe razuma ne gre, saJ tudi npr.USA pastor PIŠE

    To: Spurgeon's Sermons Index - This File Text Version

    ................"Christ is all"

    Colossians 3:11
    "MY text is so very short that you cannot forget it; and, I am quite certain, -if you are Christians at all, you will be sure to agree with it. What a multitude of religions there is in this poor wicked world of ours-!

    /Men have taken it into their heads to invent/ various systems of religion and /if you look round the world, you will see scores of different sects;/ but it is a great fact that, /while there is a multitude of false religions,/ /there is but one that is true./

    /While there are many falsehoods/, /there can be but one truth;/ /real religion is, therefore, one./

    /There is but one gospel-/-/the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ./

    What a wonderful thing it is that /Jesus Christ, the Son of God, should be born of humble parents,/ and live as a poor man in this world, for the purpose of our salvation!

    /He lived a life of suffering and trial, and at length, through the malignity of his enemies, was crucified on Calvary as an outcast of society.

    /"Now," said they, "there is an end of his religion;/

    /now it will be such a contemptible thing, that nobody will ever call himself a Christian;/

    it will be discreditable to have anything to do with the name of the man Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth

    /But it is a wonderful fact that this religion has not only lived, but is at this hour as strong as ever/

    /Yes! the religion he founded still exists, and is still powerful, and constantly extending.

    / While other religions have sunk into the darkness of the past, and the idols have been cast to the moles and to the bats,

    the name of Jesus is still mighty; and it shall continue to be a blessed power so long as the universe shall endure./

    /The religion of Jesus is the religion of God; hence, notwithstanding all the obloquy and persecution which it has had to encounter,/

    /it still exists, and still flourishes. It is this religion which I shall attempt to preach to you--the one gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ/-

    /and the text embraces it all in the most comprehensive manner, "Christ is all." I shall use it, first as a test to try you, and, afterwards, as a motive to encourage you.

    ----------------- Christ is all -----------------
    Spurgeon's Sermons


    Pax Dei

    Organizirane religije so ubile resnico

    Prispeval/a: panefin001 dne sreda, 4. april 2012 @ 08:42 CEST
    Spoštovani Aries dobro jutro.

    Kakšna je razlika verjeti v sveto kravo ali JK?

    Poglej Aries, glede obstajanja ali ne obstajanja JK sploh nimam nobenih problemov.
    Lahko je bil resničen ali pa totalno izmišljen. Mi sploh ni pomembno.
    Prav nič mi ne koristi pri mojih dnevnih problemih, kot tudi pri vseh mojih notranjih podedovanih vzorcih verjeti v karkoli.
    Mene rešuje iz vse notranje pogojenosti in silne zmede le direktno spoznavanje, izkušanje, uvid…, in sprememba zavesti, ki iz tega izhaja.
    Vera je za mene stagniranje, sledenje na slepo, ponavljanje tistega kar je nekdo rekel in sprejemanje tega »zdravo za gotovo«.
    V tem ni nobene spremembe zavesti in nobene kakovosti.
    Take kakovosti ne vidim nikjer v nobeni organizirani religije, saj se resnice ne da stlačiti v organizacijo in jo častiti, se ji klanjati, ji slediti…

    Sem človek, ki neguje dvom in radovednost.
    V veri tega ne vidim.
    To kar vidim je zatiranje kritičnega dvoma in radovednosti.
    Pa saj tudi sam toliko tega veš o inkviziciji in zgodovinskim zatiranjem novega, izhajajočega iz odkritij kritičnega uma in radovednosti.
    Saj tudi sam veš, da cerkev ima neznansko moč v kapitalu in v vplivu na razmišljanja in delovanja tistih, ki jim pripadajo.
    Kje je tukaj kakšna svoboda in kvaliteta?

    Torej v kolikor mi vera zatira vse to, zakaj to počne?
    Me želi imeti v oblasti, slepega in nevednega?

    Spoštovani Aries razumi, da meni ta čin vere ne prinaša nobene kakovosti, prej obratno.
    To ne pomeni, da sem s teboj v konfliktu in te sovražim zato ker verjameš.
    Sovraštvo za mene pomeni nerazumevanje dejstev in necelostno videnje, doživljanje.
    To preprosto pomeni, da sem prost še ene pasti in vezanosti več, imenovane vera v obliki organiziranih religij.

    Prav zaradi vsega tega me pridige v stilu tega pastorja niti malo ne ganejo.
    V njej ne živi to kar sem zgoraj opisal.

    Želim ti miren in lep dan.


    Organizirane religije so ubile resnico

    Prispeval/a: aries_1 dne sreda, 4. april 2012 @ 15:54 CEST
    Kakor prej isti sedaj sem sedaj pogleda mal več in dobil slednje, da bi bilo "logično" da prej dokažeš, da sam razumeš kaj govoriš. Potem začneš pridigati.

    Kakor sem rekel, če dobiš 2 ki te bosta razumela, potem boste trije in ti boš "kapo" postal, če že ne papež. Kar pa je relativnost.
    To bi me NE motilo, če bi druge na miru pustil naj svoje bogove al boga molijo, ti pa moli praznoto. Kar na bi bila po tvoji logiki ista neumnost. Torej delaj kar pridigaš.

    Tvoja logika ne more indjiske krave ugnati. Pa se provaš Kristusa = si nor.
    >>Mene rešuje iz vse notranje pogojenosti in silne zmede le direktno spoznavanje, izkušanje, uvid…, in sprememba zavesti, ki iz tega izhaja.<<

    Preden vse bukve požgeš, najprej povej drugim bralcem, NE meni ker jaz razumem, da ne veš kaj goriš, to dokazuje tale zmeda, ki te rešuje:

    >>SILNE ZMEDE DIREKTNO SPOZNAVANJE<< MENI pomeni, da nič ne razumeš...---

    PS: tvojo "miselnost" sem z velikimi črkami napisal, da bodo se vsi neuki - neumni naučili, ko bodo s teboj skup razumeli smisel tvojega nesmisla ker, definicija

    ......... /nesmiselnosti NI smisel./

    Za nesmiselnost nimam časa.Taki odgovori so cena ko se se piše brez-smiselnosti.

    Če hočeš svojo bresmisenost širit, si welcome;
    A pusti druge religije na miru...drugače bom moral še zmiraj ti tako ne tolk lepo odgovajati...sedaj se počutim grešnika...ker nisem bil priden proti mojemu bratu.

    ...jaz ljubim tebe bol kakor ti mene. pojej preveč pirhov...


    Pax Dei

    Organizirane religije so ubile resnico

    Prispeval/a: sialinisi dne sreda, 4. april 2012 @ 20:00 CEST
    Spoštovana kolega,
    o resnici bi bilo dobro vedeti le to, da ta živi. Njeni interpreti in nasprotniki pa še vedno le umirajo.

    »Zdaj vem, da si Božji mož in da je GOSPODOVA beseda v tvojih ustih resnica.«

    Prispeval/a: Fredi dne sreda, 4. april 2012 @ 21:39 CEST
    Pozdravljen sialinisi

    Resen si in resnica je resna.
    Vesel si in resnica je vesela.
    Tud komentar je vest iz srca resnice.

    Fajn bodi zares.
    »In spoznali boste resnico in resnica vas bo osvobodila.«

    Organizirane religije so ubile resnico

    Prispeval/a: panefin001 dne sreda, 4. april 2012 @ 22:01 CEST
    Prijatelj dragi Aries zakaj imaš tako tanke živce?
    V kolikor vera pomeni verjeti v boga in bog naj bi bil čista ljubezen, potem bi me moral ljubiti takega kot sem pa četudi ne pripadam nobeni veri, mar ne?

    Vera se razblini kot sam vidiš že iz tega dialoga takoj ko nekaj ni po njenem vzorcu in prepričanju.
    Potem postane neugodna, razdražljiva...
    Ampak nič hudega ker potem gre k spovedi in tako naprej in tako naprej...
    Skratka prvo ubij, potem se pokesaj.
    Jaz pa pravim: "V kolikor prvo ne ubiješ, spovedi sploh ne potrebuješ".
    Ker ne potrebuješ spovedi, tudi pridigarja ali papeža ne potrebuješ in to je vse.

    Vidiš, da organizirane religije niso prišle na konec nestrpnosti in agresiji?
    Zakaj se potem oklepati neustreznega orodja za doseganje tistega česar si tako zelo želiš?
    Seveda to ne pomeni, da ti ali kdorkoli drugi ne more imeti svoje vere.
    Kaj pa imam jaz s tvojo odločitvijo? Uživaj.
    Govorim le o svojih spoznanjih in to je vse.
    Ti počneš enako in zaradi tega nama ni potrebno biti nestrpen drug do drugega.
    O tem govori ta članek.

    Lep večer dragi Aries.

    .........Christ Is All........

    Prispeval/a: aries_1 dne četrtek, 5. april 2012 @ 07:38 CEST
    Christ Is All

    (No. 3446)
    At the Metropolitan church

    "Christ Is All"—Colossians 3:11.

    Y text is so very short that you cannot forget it; and, I am quite certain, if you are Christians at all, you will be sure to agree with it. What a multitude of religions there is in this poor wicked world of ours! Men have taken it into their heads to invent various systems of religion and if you look round the world, you will see scores of different sects; but it is a great fact that, while there is a multitude of false religions, there is but one that is true. While there are many falsehoods, there can be but one truth; real religion is, therefore, one. There is but one gospel—the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. What a wonderful thing it is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, should be born of humble parents, and live as a poor man in this world, for the purpose of our salvation! He lived a life of suffering and trial, and at length, through the malignity of his enemies, was crucified on Calvary as an outcast of society. "Now," said they, "there is an end of his religion; now it will be such a contemptible thing, that nobody will ever call himself a Christian; it will be discreditable to have anything to do with the name of the man Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth." But it is a wonderful fact that this religion has not only lived, but is at this hour as strong as ever. Yes! the religion he founded still exists, and is still powerful, and constantly extending. While other religions have sunk into the darkness of the past, and the idols have been cast to the moles and to the bats, the name of Jesus is still mighty; and it shall continue to be a blessed power so long as the universe shall endure.
    The religion of Jesus is the religion of God; hence, notwithstanding all the obloquy and persecution which it has had to encounter, it still exists, and still flourishes. It is this religion which I shall attempt to preach to you—the one gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ—and the text embraces it all in the most comprehensive manner, "Christ is all."
    I shall use it, first as a test to try you, and, afterwards, as a motive to encourage you. I want, first, to sift you, to see how many of you are the people of God, and how many are not. I shall make my text a great sieve, and put you in it to see which is wheat and which is chaff. We must consider this passage in two or three senses in order, first, to use it as:—
    Christ must be all, as your Great Master and Teacher. There are some who set up a certain man as their authority; they regard him as their master, they look up to him as their teacher, and whatever he says is right; it is the truth, and is not to be disputed. Or, perhaps, they have taken a certain book, other than the Bible, and say, "We will judge all things by this book"; and if the preacher does not teach exactly the creed written in that book, he is set down as not sound in the faith, and this they do not hesitate to say at once, because he does not come up to the standard of their little book! We meet with many people in this world who make their creed, their one little narrow creed, everything, and they measure everything and everybody by that. But, my friends, I must have you say that "Christ is all," and not any man, however good or great, before I can allow that you are Christians. We have not to follow men. Our faith stands not in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God. We are to follow no man, except so far as he follows Christ, who alone is our Master. Be not deceived; submit not yourselves to creeds, to books, or to men; give yourselves to the study of God's Word, derive your creed and the doctrines of your faith from it alone, and then you will be able to say:—

    "Should all the forms that men devise
    Assault my faith with treacherous art,
    I'd call them vanity and lies,
    And bind the gospel to my heart."

    Let Christ be your only Master, and say, in the words of our text, "Christ is all." Now can you say this, or are you boasting, "The Baptists are all"—"The Wesleyans are all"—"The Church of England is all"? As the Lord lives, if you are saying that, you do not know his truth; because you are not testifying that "Christ is all," but simply uttering the Shibboleth of your little party. I should like to see the word party blotted out from the vocabulary of the Christian Church. I thank God that I have no sympathy whatever with that which is merely sectarian, and have grace given me to protest against it, and to exclaim:—

    "Let party names no more
    The Christian world o'erspread";


    "Gentile and Jew, and bond and free,
    Are one in Christ, their Head."

    If "Christ is all" to you, you are Christians; and I, for one, am ready to give you the right hand of brotherhood. I do not mind what place of worship you attend, or by what distinctive name you may call yourselves, we are brethren; and I think, therefore, that we should love one another. If, my friends, you cannot embrace all who love the Lord Jesus Christ, no matter to what denomination they may belong, and as belonging to the universal Church, you have not hearts large enough to go to heaven; because, if such be your contracted views, you cannot possibly say, "Christ is all."
    Next, Christ must be all, as your principal object in life—your chief good. Your great aim must be to glorify Christ on the earth, in the hope and expectation of enjoying him for ever above. But as it regards some of you, Christ is not your all. You think more of your shop than you do of him. You are up early in the morning looking at your ledgers, and all day long toiling at your business. Do not mistake me: I dislike lazy people, who let the grass grow over their shoes; and God disapproves of them too. We want no lazy gospellers. The true Christian will say, "I know that I am bound to be diligent in business; but I want to work for eternity as well as for time. I need something besides earthly riches; I want an inheritance not made with hands, a mansion not built by man, a possession in the skies." Are you making this world you all? Poor souls, if you are, the world and the fashion thereof are passing away; your all will soon be gone. I fancy I see a rich man, one whose gold is his all, when he gets into the next world, looking for his gold, and wondering where it is, and being at length compelled to exclaim, in despair, "Oh! my all is gone!" But if you can say that Christ is your all, then your treasure will never be gone; for he will never leave you, nor forsake you. Not only in this world, but also in that which is to come, you shall be happy and blessed, for you shall be crowned with glory, and made to sit with Christ on his throne for ever.
    "Well," says some easy-going gentleman, "I do not make business my all, I assure you; not I: my maxim is, let us enjoy this life, let us fill the glass to the brim, and live in pleasure while we may." I have a word also for you Do you think that such a course of conduct will fit you for heaven, for the enjoyments of eternity? Do you imagine that, when you come to die, it will be any pleasure for you to think of your drunkenness? When you are lying on a sick bed, will your oaths bring you any peace, as they reverberate upon your conscience, just as I hear my voice, at this moment, echoing back to my ears the words I am saying? I think I see you starting up as you hear your blasphemies against God thus returning upon you, while, with a mind oppressed with anguish, and eyes starting from their sockets, you exclaim in your terror, "I hear my own oaths again! God is coming to call me to judgment; to demand of me why I dare blaspheme his name!" and the Judge will say, "You, with oaths and curses, profaned my holy name; you asked me to curse your soul, and now I will do it; you prayed in your profane moments that you might be lost, and now you shall be." How horrible that would be! You who say pleasure is all, let me warn you that you will have to drink the bitter dregs of the cup of pleasure to all eternity, no matter how sweet the draught may now be to your taste.
    But there are some more moderate people, who are by no means extravagant in their pleasures, and are great sticklers for religion; they go to church or chapel every Sunday, and believe themselves to be very good sort of people, and such as will be accepted at the last day, and placed on the right hand of the throne. Again I put the question, can you say, "Christ is all"? No; you cannot say that. Many of you make the externals of religion your all, resting in the letter, but knowing or caring nothing for the spirit. This will not do; and you are not such Christians as Christ will own if you are making anything your all but himself. Religion is not to be stowed away in the dark garret of the brain. Christianity is a heart religion, and if you cannot say, from the very depths of your being, "Christ is all," you have neither part nor lot in the blessings and privileges of the gospel, and your end will be destruction, everlasting banishment from the presence of the Lord. God grant it may not be so; but that in both your lives and mine we may each be enabled to say of a truth, "Christ is all"; and that we may meet again around the eternal throne!
    Next, Christ will be all, as the source of your joy. Some people seem to think that Christians are a very melancholy sort of folk, that they have no real happiness. I know something about religion, and I will not admit that I stand second to any man in respect of being happy. So far as I know religion, I have found it to be a very happy thing.

    "I would not change my blest estate,
    For all that earth calls good or great."

    I used to think that a religious man must never smile; but, on the contrary, I find that religion will make a man's eye bright, and cover his face with smiles, and impart comfort and consolation to his soul, even in the deepest of his earthly tribulations. In illustration of this, I might tell you the story of a poor man who lives in one of the courts in Holborn, who experiences great joy in religion, even in the midst of the deepest poverty. A Christian visitor, going up into the poor man's room at the top of the house, said, "My friend, how long have you been in this place?"
    "I have not been downstairs, nor walked across the room, these twelve months."
    "Have you anything to depend upon?"
    "Nothing," he replied; but recollecting himself, he added, "I have a good Father up in heaven, and I depend upon him entirely, and he never lets me want. Some kind Christian friends are sure to call, and they never go away without leaving me something; and I get enough to live on and pay my rent, and I am very happy. I would not change places with anybody in the world, for I have Jesus Christ with me, and my heavenly Father will take me home by-and-bye, and then I shall be as rich as any of them—shall I not, sir? Sometimes I get very low, and Satan tells me that I am not a child of God, and that I had better give up all as lost; but I tell him that he is a great coward to come and meddle with a poor weak creature like me; and I show him the blood, sir; and I tell him the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin; and when I show Satan the precious blood, sir, he leaves off tempting me, and flees directly, for he cannot bear the sight of the Saviour's blood."
    Thus we see that true religion can cheer the sick man's couch, can make the poor man feel that he is rich, and bid him be joyful in the Lord. Well did the old man say that the devil cannot bear the sight of the Saviour's blood; and if, beloved friends, you can take Christ's blood, and put it on your conscience, however sinful you may have been, you will be able to sing of Christ as all your hope, all your joy, and all your support. I ask you who love Jesus, does religion ever make you unhappy? Does love to Jesus distress you, and make you miserable? It may bring you into trouble sometimes, and cause you to endure persecution for his name's sake. If you are a child of God, you will have to suffer tribulation; but all the afflictions which you may be called upon to endure for him will work for your good, and are not worthy to be compared with the glory which is to be revealed hereafter.
    Now, then, let me ask, could you go with me while I have been speaking? Can you now say that Christ is your only Master, your chief good, your only joy? "Oh! yes; I do love Jesus, because he first loved me." Then, welcome, brother; you are one with Jesus, and we are one with each other. But if you cannot say it, how terrible it shall be with some of you, when you shall find your gourds wither, the props whereon you now lean struck down at a blow, your false refuges swept away, and, deprived of all your feathers and finery, your soul will appear before God in its true character! May it not be so with any of you, but may you be united to Christ by living faith, which works by love, and purifies the heart! Secondly, I shall now consider the text as:—
    "Christ is all." My beloved friends, in what is he all? Christ is all in the entire work of salvation. Let me just take you back to the period before this world was made. There was a time when this great world, the sun, the moon, the stars, and all which now exist throughout the whole of the vast universe, lay in the mind of God, like unborn forests in an acorn cup. There was a time when the Great Creator lived alone, and yet he could foresee that he would make a world, and that men would be born to people it; and in that vast eternity a great scheme was devised, whereby he might save a fallen race. Do you know who devised it? God planned it from first to last. Neither Gabriel nor any of the holy angels had anything to do with it. I question whether they were even told how God might be just, and yet save the transgressors. God was all in the drawing up of the scheme, and Christ was all in carrying it out. There was a dark and doleful night! Jesus was in the garden, sweating great drops of blood, which fell to the ground; nobody then came to bear the load that had been laid upon him. An angel stood there to strengthen him, but not to bear the sentence. The cup was put into his hands, and Jesus said, "Father, must I drink it?" and his Father replied, "If thou dost not drink, sinners cannot be saved"; and he took the cup and drained it to its very dregs. No man helped him. And when he hung upon that accursed tree of Calvary, when his precious hands were pierced, when:—

    "From his head, his hands, his feet,
    Sorrow and love flowed mingled down,"

    there was nobody to help him. He was "all" in the work of salvation.
    And, my friends, if any of you shall be saved, it must be by Christ alone. There must be no patchwork; Christ did it all, and will not be helped in the matter. Christ will not allow you, as some say, to do what you can, and leave him to make up the rest. What can you do that is not sinful? Christ has done all for us; the work of redemption is all finished. Christ planned it all, and worked out all; and we, therefore, preach a full salvation through Jesus Christ.
    What could we poor mortals do towards saving ourselves? Our best works are but mean and worthless to that great end; I am sure I could not do it. My preaching—I am ashamed of that, and there are a thousand faults in my prayers. God wants nothing of us by way of "making up" Christ's work; but he cancels all the sins, and blots out all the transgressions of everyone who trusts to his Son's death.
    If I have found Christ, I have found all. "I have not strong faith," say you. Never mind; Christ is all. "I do not feel my sins sufficiently"; but Christ is all. Many people think they must feel a load of repentance before they may hope Christ will receive them. I know every child of God will repent; but we are not all brought to the cross by the terrors of the law. It is not your feelings, my friends, that will save you; but Christ only, Christ standing in your stead, Christ being your Substitute. If, feeling your need of his grace to pardon you, and his righteousness to justify you before God, you can but just look to Christ, though you have nothing good about you, you will have done all that is necessary to carry you to heaven; because it is not your act that can save you, but the act of Christ alone. A little while ago, I had a conversation with an Irishman, who had been to hear me preach. He had come to ask me, he said, the way of salvation. "What troubles me," said he, "is this: God says that he will condemn the sinner, and punish him; then how can God forgive, because he must punish if he would keep his word?" I placed before him the Scriptural view of the atonement, in the substitution of Christ for the sinner; and the poor man was astonished and delighted beyond measure, never having understood the beauty and simplicity of the gospel way of salvation before. "Is it really so?" said he. "It is in the Bible," I replied. "Then the Bible must be true," said he, "for nobody but God could have thought it."
    If Jesus Christ is our Surety, friends, we are safe from the demands of the law. If Christ is our Substitute, we shall not suffer the penalty due to sin; for God will never punish the same sin twice. If I have nothing but Christ, I do not want anything else, for Christ is all. If Christ is your all, you will not want anything to help you, either in living or in dying. Now for two thoughts before I close.
    1. If a man has Christ, then what does he want else? If a man has Christ, he has everything. If I want perfection, and I have Christ, I have absolute perfection in him. If I want righteousness, I shall find in him my beauty and my glorious dress. I want pardon, and if I have Christ, I am pardoned. I want heaven, and if I have Christ, I have the Prince of heaven, and shall be there by-and-bye, to live with Christ, and to dwell in his blessed embrace for ever. If you have Christ, you have all. Do not be desponding, do not give ear to the whisperings of Satan that you are not the children of God; for if you have Christ, you are his people, and other things will come by-and-bye. Christ makes you complete in himself; as the apostle says, "Ye are complete in him." I think of poor Mary Magdalene; she would have nothing to bring of her own; she would remember that she had been a harlot; but when she comes to heaven's gates, she will say, "I have Christ," and the command will go forth, "Let her in, Gabriel; let her in." Here comes a poor squalid wretch, what has he been doing? He has never learned to write, he scarcely went even to a Ragged- school, but he has Christ in his heart. "Gabriel, let him in." Next comes a rich bad man, with rings on his fingers, and fine clothes upon his person; but the command is, "Shut the gates, Gabriel; he has no business here." Then comes a fine flaming professor of the gospel; but he never knew Christ in his heart. "Shut the gate, Gabriel." If a man has Christ, he has all for eternity; and if he has not Christ, he is poor, and blind, and naked, and will be miserable for ever. Will not you, then, who are listening to me now, resolve, in the strength of the Lord, to seek him at once, and make him your Friend? No matter what may be your state or condition, you are invited to come to him.
    Ye blind, ye lame, who are far from Christ, come to him, and receive your sight, and obtain strength! He is made your all; you need bring nothing in your hand to come to him. "Ah!" says one, "I am not good enough yet." Beggars do not talk thus: they consider that, the more needy they are, the more likely are they to obtain that for which they ask. The worse the dress, the better for begging. It is the same with respect to the gospel; and you are invited to come to Christ just as you are, naked and miserable, that he may clothe and comfort you.
    2. My last thought is this: How poor is that man who is destitute of Christ! If I were to say to some one of you that you are poor, you would reply, "I am not poor; I have 250 pounds a year coming in, a decent house, and an excellent situation." And yet, if you have not Christ, you are a poor man indeed. Look at that poor worldling with a load of 10,000 pounds upon his back, a quantity of stocks and annuities in one hand, policies and railway scrip in the other; but he is wretched with all his wealth, though he can hardly carry it. There is a poor beggar-woman, who says to him, "Let me take a part of your burden"; but the miserable man refuses all assistance, and resolves to carry all his load himself. But by-and-bye he comes to a great gulf, and, instead of finding these riches help him, they hang around his neck like millstones, and weigh him down. Yet there are some who would do anything for gold. If there be one man more miserable than another in hell, it must be the man who robbed his neighbours to feather his own nest; such feathers will help the flight of the arrows which shall pierce his soul to all eternity. No matter what your wealth, if you have not Christ, you are miserably poor; but with Christ, you are rich to all eternity.
    Methinks I see one of you ungodly ones in your last moments; someone stands by your bedside, and watches your face; the death-sweat comes over you, and the big drops stand on your brow; the strong man is bowed down, and the mighty one falls; and now the eye closes, and the hand falls powerless—life is fled. Ah! but the soul never dies! Up it flies to appear at God's bar. How will it appear there? Oh! the poor soul without Christ! It will be a naked soul; it will have no garment to cover it—it will be a perishing soul, no salvation for it. Mercy cannot be secured then; it will be in vain to pray then, because the lamp will be put out in eternal darkness. And the Judge will say, in tones that will pierce you to the quick, "Depart from me, ye cursed."
    May God give all of you grace to repent, and to embrace the salvation which is revealed in the gospel! Every sin-sick soul may have Christ; but as for you who are Pharisees, and trusting in yourselves that you are righteous, if you know nothing about sin, you can know nothing about Christ. The way to be saved is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. "But what is it to believe?" you say. I have heard of a captain who had a little son, and this little boy was very fond of climbing aloft. One day he climbed to the mast-head, and the father saw that, if the boy attempted to return, he would be dashed to pieces; he, therefore, shouted to him not to look down, but to drop into the sea. The poor boy kept fast hold of the mast; but the father saw it was his only chance of safety, and he shouted once more, "Boy, the next time the ship lurches, drop, or I will shoot you." The boy is gone; he drops into the sea, and is saved. Had he not dropped, he must have perished. This is just your condition: so long as you cling to works and ceremonies, you are in the utmost peril; but when you give yourselves up entirely to the mercy of Christ, you are safe. Try it, sinner; try it, that is all. "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved," is Christ's promise, and it shall never fail you. The invitation is to all who thirst. "The Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come, and take the water of life freely." I have heard that, in the deserts where they can only get water at long intervals, they send a man on a camel in search of it; when he sees a pool, he springs off his beast, and before he himself drinks he calls out, "Come," and there is another man at a little distance, and he shouts, "Come," and one further away still repeats the word, "Come," until the whole desert resounds with the cry, "Come," and they come rushing to the water to drink. Now I do not make the gospel invitation wider than the declaration of the Word of God, "Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." Whosoever you are, and whatsoever you may have been, if you feel your need of Christ, "Come," and he will receive you, and give you to drink of the water of life freely.


    Colossians 3; 4:1-4. Psalm 28:1-6.

    Verse 1. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
    Oh! how often we need to be called to this, for the flesh is grovelling, and it holds down the spirit; and very often we are seeking the things below as if we had not yet attained to the new life, and did not know anything about the resurrection power of Christ within the soul. Now, if it be that you, believers, have risen with Christ, do not live as if you had never done so, but "seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."
    2. Set your affection.
    Not "your affections." Tie them up into one bundle. Make one of them.
    2. On things above, not on things on the earth.
    You say that you were dead with Christ, and that you have risen with Christ. Live, then, the risen life, and not the life of those who have never undergone this matchless process. Live above.
    3. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
    The old life is dead. You are dead to it. You will not be consumed by it: you cannot be controlled by it. You have a newer and higher life. Let it have full scope.
    4. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
    Christ was hidden while he was here. The world knew him not. So is your life. But there is to be a glorious manifestation. When Christ is made manifest, so shall you be. Wait for him.
    5. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:
    Since you are dead, let all the lusts of the flesh be put to death. Kill those. They were once a part of you. Your nature lusted this way. Mortify them. Do not merely restrain them and try to keep them under. These things you are to have nothing to do with.
    6, 7. For which things sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.
    "When ye lived in them" But now you do not live in them. You are dead to them. If it should ever come to pass that you fall into any of these things, you will loathe yourself with bitterest repentance that you could find comfort, satisfaction, life in them. You are dead to them.
    8-10. But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds: And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:
    No lies. Such communications are filthy. But you put these things away through your union with Christ in his risen life. Therefore, abhor them. Avoid the very appearance of them, and cry for grace to be kept from them, for you have been "renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him."
    11. Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.
    In the new life there is no distinction of race and nationality. We are born into one family; we become members of Christ's body; and this is the one thing we have got to keep up—separation from all the world beside: no separations in the church, no disunion, nothing that would cause it, for we are one in Christ, and Christ is all. Now, as we have to put off these things, that is the negative side: that is the law's side, for the law says, "Thou shalt not"—"Thou shalt not." But now look at the positive side.
    12. Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering:
    This is what you have got to wear, even on the outside—to put it on; not to have a latent kindness in your heart, and a degree of humbleness deep down in your soul if you could get at it; but you are to put it on. It is to be the very dress you wear. These are the sacred vestments of your daily priesthood. Put them on.
    13. Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.
    Just as readily, just as freely, just as heartily, just as completely.
    14-15 And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts.
    For that is the great foundation of every godly fruit. We are in such a hurry, in such dreadful haste, so selfish, so discontented, so impetuous, and the major part of our sins spring from that condition of mind. But if we were godly, restful, peaceful, how many sins we should avoid! "Let the peace of God rule in your hearts."
    15. To the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
    It looks like a very small virtue to be thankful. Yet, dear friends, the absence of it is one of the grossest of vices. To be ungrateful is a mean thing: to be ungrateful to God is a base thing. And yet how many may accuse themselves of it! Who among us is as grateful as he should be? Be thankful.
    16. Let the word of Christ dwell in you.
    Alexander had a casket of gold studded with gems to carry Homer's works. Let your own heart be a casket for the command of Christ. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you."
    16-18 Richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
    See how our being Christians does not relax the bonds of our Christian relationship, but it calls us to the higher exercise of the responsibilities and duties connected therewith.
    19. Husbands love your wives, and be not bitter against them.
    Oh! there are some spirits that are very bitter. A little thing puts them out, and they would take delight in a taunt which grieves the spirit. I pity the poor woman who has such bitterness where she ought to have sweetness: yet there be some such husbands.
    20-21 Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.
    The duties are mutual. Scripture maintains an equilibrium. It does not lay down commands for one class, and then leave the other to exercise whatever tyrannical oppression it may please. The child is to obey, but the father must not provoke.
    22. Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers;
    How much there is of that! How quickly the hands go when the master's eye looks on! But the Christian servant remembers God's eye, and is diligent always. "Not with eye service as men-pleasers."
    22. Chap. 4:2 But in singleness of heart, fearing God: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done; and there is no respect of persons. Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven. Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving.
    See how he keeps putting that in—"Be ye thankful"—"with thanksgiving." Why, that is the oil that makes the machinery go round without its causing obstruction. May we have much of that thanksgiving.
    3, 4. Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.
    So the preacher of the gospel asks your prayers: and it is a part of the duties arising out of the relationship between Christian men that those who are taught should pray for those who teach God's Word.

    Sužnji, ubogajte v vsem svoje zemeljske gospodarje, in sicer ne samo takrat, kadar vas vidijo,..

    Prispeval/a: Fredi dne četrtek, 5. april 2012 @ 09:15 CEST
    ..,kakor da bi hoteli ugajati ljudem, ampak v preprostosti srca in v strahu Gospodovem.
    Kajti umrli ste in vaše življenje je skrito s Kristusom v Bogu.
    Ko se bo prikazal Kristus, vaše življenje, tedaj se boste tudi vi prikazali z njim v slavi.

    Zato omrtvite v sebi to, kar teži k zemlji:
    nečistovanje, nečistost, strastnost, hudobno poželenje in slo po čim večjem imetju, ki je toliko kot malikovanje.
    Zaradi tega prihaja Božja jeza na sinove nepokorščine, med katerimi ste bili nekoč tudi vi, ko ste tako živeli.
    Zdaj pa tudi vi odvrzite vse to:
    jezo, vzkipljivost, hudobnost, obrekovanje, nesramno govorjenje svojih ust.
    Ne lažite drug drugemu, saj ste slekli starega človeka z njegovimi deli vred in oblekli novega, ki se prenavlja za spoznanje, po podobi svojega Stvarnika.

    Kjer je to, ni več ne Grka ne Juda, ne obrezanega ne neobrezanega, ne barbara ne Skita, ne sužnja ne svobodnega, ampak vse in v vseh je Kristus.
    Nad vsem tem pa naj bo ljubezen, ki je vez popolnosti.

    Aries - lep dan se obeta kakor vsak dan

    Kar koli že delate, delajte iz srca, kot da delate za Gospoda, ne za ljudi, saj veste, da boste v povračilo prejeli dediščino od Gospoda.
    Služíte Gospodu Kristusu.

    Kajti kdor dela krivico, bo požel, kar je krivičnega storil, in nihče se ne bo oziral na osebo.

    Sužnji, ubogajte v vsem svoje gospodarje..., nebeške ali zemeljske vseeno je

    Prispeval/a: panefin001 dne četrtek, 5. april 2012 @ 11:16 CEST
    Ojoj dragi Aries,
    lepo od tebe, da si mi poslal toliko lepih besed, ki tebi pomenijo veliko, a meni bore malo, saj na vsako izmed njih imam na stotine protiargumentov.
    Stvar je le v pristopu kot sem že omenil.
    Eni kupijo vse v paketu in ne dvomijo niti v eno črko.
    Ti se imenujejo verniki.
    Drugi a priori negirajo vse in so proti ne da bi sploh vedeli zakaj, sam pa ne sodim ne v eno ne v drugo skrajnost.

    Zmeraj sem poskušal take reči razvozlati, priti do dna vsega serviranega tako da mi ne ostane nič več v kar bi moral verjeti ali ne verjeti, kar bi moral potrjevati ali ne potrjevati.
    Ni me zadovoljevalo nič drugega kot gola resnica, a kupiti je nisem želel od nobenega, ki je trdil da jo pozna.
    Bojim se, da je za večino tak pristop neznan, saj človeški um deluje v polju skrajnosti, v polju dualnosti in mu je lažje prebirati kaj drugi o tem pravijo, kot pa da sam razišče.

    Prav možnost svobode od pripadanja katerikoli skrajnosti, je za mene največ kar sem spoznal.
    Stanje v katerem si povsod, a nisi identificiran z ničemer, je edino ne konfliktno stanje, je to božansko, ki ga ne doseže nobeno prizadevanje omejenega uma, še najmanj pa ne religiozno organiziranega in indoktriniranega.

    Tudi sam vidim kako se to božansko skuša prezentirati skozi biblijo in organizirane religije, a kaj ko pri takem podajanju vidim številne luknje in napake, ki ne ustrezajo resničnemu.

    Namesto, da bi se ljudje osvobodili, se s takimi zgrešenimi pristopi in predstavami o božanskem le še bolj zasužnjujejo in služijo manjšini, ki z njimi manipulira.

    Zavoljo tega bodo moje besede o tem kar vidim in zaznavam, ostale za zmeraj nespremenjene, saj je z njimi usklajeno celotno moje bitje, stanje uma, duha in srca.

    Trdim, da človek ne potrebuje nobenih pridigarjev, nobenih cerkvenih in podobnih inštitucij, nobene organizacije, nobene dogme ali ideje o temu »kako« se do sreče, ki jo išče pride.
    Vidim globoko potrebo po osvoboditvi od teh silnih zablod in vezanosti za staro, tradicionalno, saj mi vsa čutila, duša in srce kažejo na katastrofalne rezultate tovrstnih vezanosti.

    Človek potrebuje osvoboditev od vsega tega, da lahko končno zagleda to kar mu je tukaj pred nosom.
    Lepota življenja je povsod in ta lepota je ta Bog, ki ga iščemo v nebesih ali kje drugje in nekoč...
    Ne moreš je zaznati ker si poln predstav o njej, prepoln prepričanj in verovanj ali ne verovanj...

    Z opustitvijo vsega tega balasta in ne z nobenim iskanjem ali sledenjem komurkoli, je to o čemer pridigajo mnogi samo od sebe tukaj.
    Šele potem uvidiš, da ti tega ni potrebno kupovati od nobenega, da tisti, ki to prodajajo tega nimajo.

    En velik sončen pozdrav dragi prijatelj.


    Sužnji, ubogajte v vsem svoje gospodarje..., nebeške ali zemeljske vseeno je

    Prispeval/a: aries_1 dne četrtek, 5. april 2012 @ 13:15 CEST
    Nepoznan si nepoznan si svetu,men',Kristu-Očetu;/
    Nepoznan si nis' prepoznal v /Krstu//Mene-Očeta./
    Nepoznan si v Krstusu ni's spoznal /Njega-Očeta./

    Pax Dei

    .........Christ Is All........

    Prispeval/a: budabreztruda dne četrtek, 5. april 2012 @ 13:24 CEST

    prevod prosim .

    ...Ne Pripoznaš 'Njega' Ne Prepoznan Boš Očetu...

    Prispeval/a: aries_1 dne četrtek, 5. april 2012 @ 13:38 CEST
    .........Nepoznan Sin Nepoznan od Očeta........

    Nepoznan sin nepoznan si svetu,men',Kristu-Očetu;/
    Nepoznan sin nis' prepoznal v /Krstu//Mene-Očeta./
    Nepoznan sin v Krstusu ni's spoznal /Njega-Očeta./

    Pax Dei

    [ Odgovori na to | Prijavi zlorabo | # ]

    .........Christ Is All........

    Prispeval/a: aries_1 dne četrtek, 5. april 2012 @ 13:53 CEST
    .........Christ Is All........
    Prispeval/a: budabreztruda dne četrtek, 5. april 2012 @ 13:24 CEST

    >>prevod prosim<<

    ....Čes' resen dobiš; a "breztruda" ne gre...
    lp sp.

    Pax Dei

    Sužnji, ubogajte svoje zemeljske gospodarje."B.S."

    Prispeval/a: aries_1 dne četrtek, 5. april 2012 @ 17:06 CEST
    >>Sužnji, ubogajte v vsem svoje zemeljske gospodarje, in sicer ne samo takrat, kadar vas vidijo,..<< tudi austrika k'je odletela...slovenka..OK

    Prispeval/a: Fredi dne četrtek, 5. april 2012 @ 09:15 CEST
    ..,kakor da bi hoteli ugajati ljudem, ampak v preprostosti srca in v strahu Gospodovem.

    ...probam musko in teberazumet ngreskup mlcontradikt.

    ...drugače si dans al nocoj zelo dobro pisal o Gospodu.

    >>Kajti umrli ste in vaše življenje je skrito s Kristusom v Bogu.
    Ko se bo prikazal Kristus, vaše življenje, tedaj se boste tudi vi prikazali z njim v slavi.<< ne sam piše, je tudi upanja logika, delaj tako pol drži...

    >>Zato omrtvite v sebi to, kar teži k zemlji:
    nečistovanje, nečistost, strastnost, hudobno poželenje in slo po čim večjem imetju, ki je toliko kot malikovanje.<<

    ...ljubite domačine-vse ljudi...a za l'bezen pravo le slovenke...

    >>Zaradi tega prihaja Božja jeza na sinove nepokorščine, med katerimi ste bili nekoč tudi vi, ko ste tako živeli.
    Zdaj pa tudi vi odvrzite vse to:
    jezo, vzkipljivost, hudobnost, obrekovanje, nesramno govorjenje svojih ust.<<

    ..bodite verni pokorni Gospodu al' v koga verujete...
    ...Ne brini z nemiri ver/drugih ljudi.
    >>Ne lažite drug drugemu, saj ste slekli starega človeka z njegovimi deli vred in oblekli novega, ki se prenavlja za spoznanje, po podobi svojega Stvarnika. <<

    ...izbiri maš 2; vse je laž ni izbire, molči, ne izberi manjišo laž.

    >>Kjer je to, ni več ne Grka ne Juda, ne obrezanega ne neobrezanega, ne barbara ne Skita, ne sužnja ne svobodnega, ampak vse in v vseh je Kristus.<<

    ........Kristus je Vse Vsem...

    >>Nad vsem tem pa naj bo ljubezen, ki je vez popolnosti.<<

    ......ljubezen /smisel = (dobro) Življenje....

    >>Aries - lep dan se obeta kakor vsak dan<<

    ...... lep dan tud tebi fredi...

    >>Kar koli že delate, delajte iz srca, kot da delate za Gospoda, ne za ljudi, saj veste, da boste v povračilo prejeli dediščino od Gospoda.<<

    ..... tak "papa" žup....nikolaj govore...

    >>Služíte Gospodu Kristusu.<<

    .....Gospod Kristus Vsem vse...

    >>Kajti kdor dela krivico, bo požel, kar je krivičnega storil, in nihče se ne bo oziral na oseb<<

    ..."sin-ner" k'ne veruje v Gospoda dela krivico sebi...

    [ Odgovori na to | Prijavi zlorabo | # ]

    Kaj je resnica?

    Prispeval/a: Tatjana Malec dne četrtek, 5. april 2012 @ 19:47 CEST
    Nauki iz preteklosti

    Holokavst, komunistični poboji in vse človeške tragedije so pripeljale človeka do razmišljanja, da v bistvu se Stvarnik bori s skupaj s človekom za zmago dobrega. Zlo prinaša odsotnost dobrega, nesposobnost, da bi bili ne le zase, temveč tudi za drugega. Dobro pa vedno zastavlja samega sebe – zate. Nekatere stvari bi težko prevrednotili. Vendar v pepelu duha so tudi iskre, ki vžigajo pri človeku ljubezen in dobro, navdihujejo ga z odkrivanjem novih načinov, kako bo to dobro uresničil. Ljubezen in dobro sta imperativ vsemu človeštvu.

    Znamenja časa

    Prebirala sem in poslušala predavanja v italijanščini Giannija Vattima, 1936, italijanskega filozofa, etika in politika, ki je študiral filozofijo na Turinski univerzi pod mentorstvom eksistencialista Luigija Pareysona in leta 1969 postal tu redni profesor Estetike, v letu 1982 pa še Teoretične filozofije. Med letom 1999 - 2004 je bil član Evropskega Parlamenta. Vattima meni, da nikoli zaključiva neskončnost nihilističnega razvoja, da je morda motivirana z dejstvom, da ljubezen kot dokončni smisel razodetja nima nobene resnične dokončnosti. Splošna smer Vattimovega delovnja so naslednja področja: hermeneutica in postmodernizem; specializacija - usmerjenost pa: ontologija, etika, politika, teologija, filozofija zgodovine in estetika. Znan je po šibki misli (Credo di credere - prev. Verjamem, da verjamem) in nihilizmu. Na Giannija Vattimo so vplivali filozofi Nietzsche, Heidegger, Pareyson, Gadamer, Adorno, Derrida in Rorty.

    Velik del misli človekovega razuma – teoretičnih in praktičnih, vse do racionalne ureditve družbe, demokracije, družbenega sistema, ima svoje korenine v hebrejsko krščanskem izročilu in si jih izven tega ni mogoče zamišljati, meni Gianni Vattimo, sodobni italijanski filozof in mislec, ki se je uveljavil tudi kot politik. Vattimo vidi, da smo ujeti v zakonitost procesa, v katerega smo vključeni in v tem vidi dodatni razlog za ponovno najdenje krščanstva, kot razmerja pripadnosti, ki nas veže v krščanstvo, v krščansko izročilo – prav dejstvo, da je v njegovi doktrini predvidena interpretacija, predviden interpretacijski značaj zgodovine biti.

    Prevrednotiti vse vrednote in jih nadomestiti z Nadčlovekom z Voljo do moči, vemo kam je pripeljalo svet. Najslabše je ne najti odgovora, kam se je mogoče vrniti iz niča in zavrženosti, iz nihilizma, ki je preplavil svet. Iskati odgovor v nazoru, ki zanikuje in odklanja splošno veljavne, priznane življenjske norme, vrednote, skratka po nazoru filozofskega nihilizma, ki zanikuje možnost spoznanja kakršnekoli resnice, ne pripelje nikamor.

    Za Vattima je krščanstvo še vedno referenčni pojem, kadar razmišlja o religiji, ker izhaja iz krščanskih korenin. Njegovo ponovno odkrivanje religije predstavlja ponovno odkrito razsvetljenstvo. Sam pravi, da je meja sekularizacije (povzročiti, da kaj izgubi verski, cerkveni značaj): ljubezen. Vattimo meni, da novo obdobje kenosis ali novi zemeljski vek, ki se je začel s stvarjenjem in Staro zavezo, nosi v sebi smisel zgodovine odrešenja. Verovati v Staro zavezo ne pomeni dobesedno sprejemati vsega, kar je zapisano v evangeliju in cerkveni dogmatiki, ampak in predvsem prizadevati si, razumeti kakšen smisel imajo evangelijska besedila zame, tukaj in zdaj. Znamenja časov ne predstavljajo zapovedi za vselej. Vselej je treba 'iznajti' v luči tistega, kar se je človeštvu razodelo, da je za človeka dobro. Slepo sledenje idejam in ne upoštevati ujetost v zakonitosti procesa, v katerega smo vključeni, je razpravljanje v eter, ki nima nobene realne podlage. Brez smisla je tudi zanikati zgodovinskost svojega obstoja in duha.

    Navedla bom misel Martina Heideggerja: Kaj pomeni svet, ko govorimo o pomračitvi sveta? Svet je vselej duhovni svet ... Pomračitev sveta vključuje to, da duh izgublja moč, da se razkraja, slabi, tlači in nepravilno tolmači.

    Zavest o duhovni Evropi

    Ko razpravljamo o Evropi, vsi najprej pomislijo na današnjo politično realnost Evrope, zaposlene s skrbjo okrog skupnega evropskega trga, in zato mnogi enačijo Evropo s to realnostjo. Kot da ona uteleša bistvo evropskega duha. Neogibno se je treba vrniti k temeljni ideji Evrope, opozoriti na njene filozofske korenine, na njeno rojstvo iz duha filozofije. Evropejci se niti sami več dovolj ne zavedajo tega ozadja svoje zgodovinske odgovornosti. Zavest o duhovni enotnosti Evrope, je zavest o Evropi kot bistveni človeški skupnosti, kot posebni, samostojni strukturi duha, ki označuje novo, višjo stopnjo v razvoju človeštva. Evrope se ne razume zgolj v zemljepisnem smislu, temveč v duhovnem. Veliko časa je bilo potrebnega, da je ta zavest prodrla v širino in globino, da je zajela najširši krog ljudi in postala sestavni del njihove samoindetifikacije. Jasno je, da je zavest o duhovni enotnosti Evrope nastala pod okriljem grške filozofije na prehodu iz 7. v 6. stoletje pred Kristusom, ko je evropski kontinent verjetno dobil ime po legendarni Zevsovi ljubljenki Evropi, eni od številnih oceanid, ki jo je Heziod počastil z omembo v svoji Teogoniji, skupaj z njeno sestro Azijo, po kateri se imenuje ostali del sveta.

    Zavest o duhovni Evropi je naraščala, kadar je pretila velika nesreča in popoln propad, pa tudi kadar so notranji prepiri ogrožali skupni obstanek. Duhovna enotnost je pridobivala veljavo v obdobjih relativnega miru. Naključje je hotelo, da je Evropa odigrala pomembno vlogo v najbolj kritičnih trenutkih evropske zgodovine, tako v stari dobi, v času grško - perzijskih vojn, kakor tudi v novejšem času barbarskih pustošenj in turških obleganj in osvajanj, bila je gonila sila pri ustvarjanju odgovarjajočih obrambnih političnih zvez. To svojo vlogo bo Evropa ohranila, dokler bo obstajala. Zagotovo Evropa tudi danes ni varna pred sodobnimi Džingiskani in Atilami, ki bi hoteli Evropejcem vsiliti drugačno kulturo in drugačnega duha.

    Za Heglom so samo še Nietzsche, Husserl in Heidegger tako odločno poudarili evropski pomen grškega odkritja razuma kot medija mogočnega univerzalnega sporazumevanja med ljudmi tako, da so na nekoliko drugačen način in v nekoliko drugačnem smislu razvijali njegovo tezo. Znameniti je Nietzschejev aforizem o evropskem izvoru in označitvi starega, konservativnega in kritičnega mišljenja iz prve knjige 'Človeško, preveč človeško': "Izobraženi um je iz Evrope naredil Evropo - v srednjem veku je bil ta um na poti, da ponovno postane del in privesek Azije, da torej izgubi smisel za znanstvenost, ki jo dolgujemo Grkom". Seveda Nietzsche je menil, da se dober Evropejec najprej in najbolj izrazito odlikuje e svojo sposobnostjo neprestane preobrazbe.

    Nikakor pa se nova Evropa ne bo rodila v skladu z destruktivnimi prizadevanji postmoderne filozofije, brez upoštevanja svojih duhovnih korenin. Filozofija v današnji krizni situaciji nima druge izbire, kot da pogumno skuša najti srednjo pot med zakrknjenim tradicionalizmom, ki želi po vsej sili oživiti staro vero v racionalni smisel vseh bitij in brezsmiselnim avantgardizmom, ki želi barbarsko zatreti vsako sled razumnega samoozaveščanja življenja. Če filozofija že ne more biti v uteho, nikakor ne bi smela spravljati človeka v obup z nihilizmom in postmodernizmi, ki ne odgovorijo na bistveno vprašanje. Izvor moralnega dejanja je človek kot bitje razuma in svobode s svojo zavestjo in kulturo ujetosti v čas in družbeno stvarnost, ki je ni mogoče izbrisati in nasilno prevrednotiti. Sposobni moramo biti tudi uvida, kaj nam prinaša negotovost in na kakšnih osnovah in vrednotah bomo vzpostavljali svojo etično držo in nenazadnje tudi svojo svobodo.

    Kaj je resnica?

    Prispeval/a: MC dne četrtek, 5. april 2012 @ 20:25 CEST
    >> Holokavst, komunistični poboji in vse
    >> človeške tragedije so pripeljale človeka
    >> do razmišljanja, da v bistvu se
    >> Stvarnik bori s skupaj s človekom za zmago dobrega.

    Jaz sem se in verjamem, da še kdo, ob vsem tem, kar ste
    našteli, domislil nečesa povsem drugega: Da je vsemogočni
    Stvarnik bodisi skrajno zloben ali pa da se mu sladko "jebe"
    za človeka in za človeštvo. Ko sem razmišljal še nekaj časa,
    pa ni bilo dolgo, sem prišel do sklepa, da Stvarnik zelo
    verjetno sploh ne obstaja in da smo na tem "jebenem"
    planetu popolnoma sami. In da je prav to dejstvo razlog, da
    nas sreča pamet!

    Kaj je resnica?

    Prispeval/a: panefin001 dne četrtek, 5. april 2012 @ 20:47 CEST
    Pozdravljen Marko.
    Ti si nevaren in to zelo.
    Kje pa naj potem vso to nakopičeno zlo in vsi problemi, vsi silni izgubljeni in zmedeni iščejo potuho?

    Marko to pa ne bo šlo.
    Ne jemlji ljudem iluzij, ti brezbožnik.

    Svet se bo spremenil na bolje v kolikor bomo apatično čakali na odrešitelja in pika.
    Tako pravi biblija. Amen.
    V kolikor nam novi odrešitelj ne bo všeč ga bomo zopet križali.
    "Resnico" bomo kmalu zopet organizirali (nekaj najbolj brihtnih posameznikov) in gremo jovo na novo...
    Kaj pa veš kako je s tem.

    Ne misli s svojo glavo in ne dvomi, le sledi..., v dokončno brezno.
    Svet totalno zaslepljenih in hipnotiziranih ljudi, ki ne vidijo prsta pred nosom.
    Taka je naša realnost iz katere nas ne reši prav nihče razen nas samih.

    Lep večer.


    kaj Je resnica

    Prispeval/a: aries_1 dne petek, 6. april 2012 @ 00:57 CEST
    .........Nepozna Sina Nepoznan od Očeta........

    Nepoznan sin nepoznan si svetu,men',Kristu-Očetu;/
    Nepoznan sin nis' prepoznal v /Krstu//Mene-Očeta./
    Nepoznan sin v Krstusu ni's spoznal /Njega-Očeta./

    Pax Dei

    kaj Je resnica

    Prispeval/a: aries_1 dne petek, 6. april 2012 @ 03:47 CEST
    op> v Kristusu....

    Težave z resnico

    Prispeval/a: MC dne sobota, 7. april 2012 @ 21:38 CEST
    Z resnico so bile in bodo vedno težave. Osebno imam veliko
    raje laži. Življenje je znosno tudi zato, ker ljudje nenehno
    lažemo. Če bi iskreno povedali vsakomur, kaj si mislimo o
    njem, bi se naša življenja kaj hitro spremenila v nočne more.
    Povsem naravno je, da lažemo, tako kot je naravno, da
    pozabljamo. Večina laži je neškodljivih, mnoge med njimi pa
    so celo koristne. Laganje je preživetvena strategija – tako kot
    rdeča mandrilova zadnjica, pavje perje ali kukavičja jajca. V
    naravi ni nič bolj resničnega kot laganje. Resnico je izumil
    šele homo sapiens. Hotel je vedeti, hotel je razumeti, a je
    postal spričo mnogih drobnih laži in ukan narave tako zelo
    zmeden, da se je lahko dokopal vednosti samo, če je izumil
    nekaj tako izjemnega, kot je resnica. Z resnico je lahko
    zamašil vsako luknjo v svojem znanju. Ni mu zadostovalo
    znanje, ni mu zadostovalo izkustvo drobnih laži, moral se je
    dokopati do absolutnega vedenja. In zato je izumil resnico.
    Hokus pokus in bila je resnica. Da bi jo napravil še bolj
    mikavno in resnično, jo je opremil z atributom višja in jo
    ozaljšal z veliko začetnico. Kmalu pa se je izkazalo, da niti
    resnica niti resnice ne prinašajo nobene koristi, kvečjemu
    nesrečo. Večje kot so bile resnice, bolj kot so hotele biti
    resnične, večjo nesrečo so prinesle ljudem. Recimo resnica,
    da na Olimpu sedijo bogovi, ki odločajo o človeških usodah,
    ali resnica, da je Jezus božji Sin in da je vstal od mrtvih, ali
    resnica, da je Bog eden in da je Mohamed njegov prerok.
    Zaradi takih in podobnih resnic so se ljudje prav resnično in
    zares pobijali med sabo. Ljudje, ki bi si, če ne bi poznali
    velike resnice, pripovedovali drobne laži in živeli v miru.

    Zato, ob prihajajočem prazniku želim vsem čim več drobnih
    in prijaznih laži, tistim, ki ne morejo živeti brez velikih resnic,
    kajpak ne morem želeti drugega kot resnico, ki so si jo
    izbrali, vendar z željo, da je vendarle ne trosijo okoli in jo
    raje obdržijo zase. Ljudje, ki radi živimo z drobnimi lažmi, ki
    nam ni težko živeti z mislijo, da nečesa ne vemo in nas velike
    resnice ne zanimajo, vam bomo hvaležni.

    Težave z resnico

    Prispeval/a: panefin001 dne ponedeljek, 9. april 2012 @ 11:08 CEST
    Večje kot so bile resnice, bolj kot so hotele biti resnične, večjo nesrečo so prinesle ljudem. Recimo resnica, da na Olimpu sedijo bogovi, ki odločajo o človeških usodah, ali resnica, da je Jezus božji Sin in da je vstal od mrtvih, ali resnica, da je Bog eden in da je Mohamed njegov prerok. Zaradi takih in podobnih resnic so se ljudje prav resnično in zares pobijali med sabo. Ljudje, ki bi si, če ne bi poznali velike resnice, pripovedovali drobne laži in živeli v miru.

    To kar je človek imel in ima za resnico, v imenu katere je počenjal vse nesmisle, ki jih naštevaš, še ne pomeni, da dejansko gre za resnico.
    Za mene je laž v preobleki resnice hujša kot laž, ki se ne skriva.
    Tako kot to moti tebe Marko, tako takšno sprenevedanje in skrivanje za nekakšno resnico, ki to ni, moti tudi mene.

    Ne strinjam pa se s teboj, da resnice ni.
    V kolikor sprevidiš laž v preobleki resnice in to do stanja ko sploh ni dvoma, potem je v samem tem zavedanju vsebovana resnica.
    V takem stanju laž nima nobene moči več. Šah, mat.
    Kaj jo je matiralo, onesposobilo? Laž nikakor, saj samo sebe vzdržuje.
    Torej resnica ni nekakšno nasprotje laži, temveč je resnica stanje, ki se pojavi ko laž popolnoma preneha.
    Torej vprašanje je le ali smo sposobni gore laži, ki smo jih sami proizvedli in za katere smo se vezali, prepoznati kot laži.
    V samem tem dejanju je vsebovana povsem drugačna kakovost.

    Vse kar ljudje izvajajo, da bi se prikupili nekakšnim božanstvom, višjim silam je zlagano v sami osnovi in v tem se popolnoma strinjam s teboj.

    Ko to uvidiš do potankosti, pomeni da si prost laži.
    Stanje v katerem laž ne more eksistirati, je čista resnica.
    To stanje v katerem laž ne uspeva je povezovalno, pristno, iskreno,...

    Sonce nima praznikov, luna nima praznikov, dež ne praznuje..., to le človek časti ponaredke in izmišljotine lastnega razuma, saj je totalno slep za vso resnično lepoto, ki ga obkroža.

    Vsem lepe praznike v lažeh ali v resnici.


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