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    Gost: besame
     oktober 06 2012 10:59   

    Gost: besame september 17 2012 20:09

    The „One“ woke up
    gentle woman, sleeping in me.
    Gentle women began to write
    and she is now living (in) Love.

    So scared little girl no longer need to be cruel
    To him (to yourself).

    If you like my words
    it is ok to keep them,
    but please accept
    that I'm not yours „The One“.

    So, dear friend,
    stop thinking so much,
    stop writing too much.
    Let love moves through you
    in her own.... mysterious ways.

    Thank you for your kind words
    I wish you happiness, love....

    Gost: essential nature of heart
     oktober 06 2012 11:11   

    Gost: essential nature of heart september 23 2012 21:59

    My path on earth,
    challenging time,
    much is changing,
    often as there is no hope.

    Often only love
    can cure me,
    make us stronger,
    wiser and delicatly gentle.

    Two faces of one energy;
    Strong creative force
    inseparable from all encompassing and oceanic energy.

    Aware of a certain movement inside me,
    slight restlessness, a desire for… a longing for....
    Answer to that longing....

    Dance skintight,
    celebrating beauty,
    worship each other,
    celebrating joining.

    I'd turn my back on You
    I want just to feel you.
    Lean on me
    Magic happens when I'm sharing my wings
    with Yours.

    My essential nature of heart
    Guide my spiritual journey.
    Yours essential nature of heart
    Fulfill this road to Divine.

    Gost: essential nature of heart
     oktober 06 2012 11:16   

    Gost: essential nature of heart September 24 2012 20:53

    I see your strong body,
    invincible will and tender heart,
    but I feel
    sometimes, under the weight of the world
    your foundations tremble.

    Then I turn my back to you
    Lean on,
    Breathe Love.

    Completely immersed in moment,
    yield and receive life from one another,
    reaching to that point of tenderness
    where bodies disappear.

    We are just a pillar of vibrating energy
    in balance and flow of Life.
    Miracle of healing.

    In moorning
    your eyes are smiling,
    I caress your hand
    on my body....

    My essential nature of heart
    Whisper to yours:
    My Love
    is your guardian.

    My essential nature of soul
    Whisper to yours:
    I am a Bird on your shield.

    Gost: essential nature of heart
     oktober 06 2012 11:19   

    Gost: essential nature of heart september 26 2012 21:30

    I surrender,
    lean on the blade
    of my fear
    and I found Love.

    Thank you 'cause
    in your eyes I can clearly see
    my essential nature of heart.
    I love you for that.

    Thank you 'cause
    your gentle body
    guide me to a doorway
    of a sacred land.

    Thank you,
    your soul is my light,
    my Home.

    Gost: Love
     oktober 06 2012 11:25   

    Gost: Love september 28 2012 06:28

    I move (through all of) You
    in my own.... mysterious ways....

    I have come to stay.

    Gost: and
     oktober 06 2012 11:30   

    Gost: and oktober 04 2012 12:01


    Don't listen to me, just go away...
    moments long as century,
    since she disappeared from the screen
    almost from the screen of memories that past.
    her moments were brief but heavenly sweet
    mysterious loving full of joy and pain.

    I felt...and Yet I didn't feel that will lost
    lost her One more time.
    How can I, as words lips heart so warm,
    made believe me can't astray no more.

    and yet I do feel she is gone..
    even though I do know her Home
    was here, and she knows that.
    Is it fear is hate that cause behavior
    like that.

    she knew she could trust me..
    and she did...and yet she is gone.
    no idea - can't comprehend...

    getting better:
    Am I naive am I dumb...and yet
    doc. said I am not...
    may be next year...3 month to go

    better hurry come back while's still time.
    or else no more kisses on lips,
    nowhere sweetheart,
    on heart on body no more.
    come back when you can.
    Next year which will never come.

    Hell, I do miss you...

    Gost: and
     oktober 06 2012 11:44   

    "Angel" - You were simply beautiful

    what a waste

    Thank You


    Gost: and
     oktober 06 2012 12:50   

    No dear you an't only a angel.

    Even better though, because you are
    "Essential nature of heart" - that IS Love.

    Thank You...If I only knew You?


    Gost: and
     oktober 07 2012 14:24   


    does everything beautiful
    finish up in "šajze" house,
    does it?
    Only traces of past beauty
    left behind,
    ponder lonesome traveler...

    traces of beautiful past left on screen
    didn't appeared sometime ago
    on screen out of no One,
    somebody sure existed -

    her hand had writen those words
    for sure,
    fashioned out from then existing heart and mind
    when her hand had written those words.
    " I came to stay"

    why does everything beautiful
    finish up like this.
    I know I am not crazy, but somebody
    IS crazy...
    crazy or evil...why destroying what is beautiful?
    Don't we have enough misfortune
    enough against us.

    Why hurt on another,
    as I don't want anything from you
    except tell me why you hurting me.
    I will not let you go as long I -
    I don't hear your voice ones more
    may Lord bless You until then.


    Gost: and
     oktober 07 2012 15:00   


    You were away and yet you spoke to me.
    Why not now when you are Home and yet
    I don't hear your voice at all least one more time.
    For there is nobody I remember spoke like you do.

    Nore from anybody across ocean of universe comes
    voice of lips like yours.
    for I do believe the words are from home garden
    garden of my/your Motherland...

    May good Lord bless a Motherland
    that brings forth daughters with hearts
    that can fashion words like yours.

    Gost: light of Love
     oktober 07 2012 16:54   

    he told me to cry out my love for him,
    instead, silly me
    I began to write about the Love that I felt for him ?!

    Yes stupid, not evil...
    I curse the day I published these words.
    I'm truly sorry, please forgive me.

    And I curse the day on which I have to apologize because I love someone.
    But, crying opens the heart and creates space for something else
    so they say......
    but.....( silly me)
    I do not want to....cry.

    I choose to love
    with all my heart.
    let my body disappear,
    and all that will remain
    is light of Love
    to hold on.

    Gost: and
     oktober 07 2012 18:00   

    light of Love

    even though I don't uderstand exacly
    what you mean with you words,

    please stay and explane you heart
    standing regarding comunication
    between you ad me.

    Let make me be clear,
    as I too would like to disapear,
    with in someones soul where we coul bi One.
    stay and don't let wait long
    as feel we have a lot in common.

    If you can't give anything, it matters not.
    but do NOT go but STAY, as I do not demand,
    anything from you that you can't give,
    want just to please you - comfort you if I can.

    Do stay.

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