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     Spisek forumov > Luštne stvari > Lepe misli, verzi, pesmi,... Nov topic Pošlji odgovor
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    Gost: sedem minut
     september 23 2012 22:59


    Gost: danilo1
     september 24 2012 01:29

    Gost: hold on
     september 24 2012 07:19

    Gost: yet again
     september 24 2012 07:26   

    quote: essential nature of heart
    My path on earth,
    challenging time,
    much is changing,
    often as there is no hope.

    Often only love
    can cure me,
    make us stronger,
    wiser and delicately gentle.

    Two faces of one energy;
    Strong creative force
    inseparable from all encompassing and oceanic energy.

    Aware of a certain movement inside me,
    slight restlessness, a desire for… a longing for....
    Answer to that longing....

    Dance skintight,
    celebrating beauty,
    worship each other,
    celebrating joining.

    I'd turn my back on You
    I want just to feel you.
    Lean on me
    Magic happens when I'm sharing my wings
    with Yours.

    My essential nature of heart
    Guide my spiritual journey.
    Yours essential nature of heart
    Fulfill this road to Divine.
    The echo of my heart
    Yet again I can't let one word,
    be gone by and no to repeat.

    Again I hear the words,
    the words of beauty love and yet pain,
    is there more to come?

    Or is You the One
    the One that I can cure,
    as I'd love to do - but not for me,
    as it's much more for you.

    If that so,
    come, let's dance,
    and hold you tight
    that feel your heart beat
    with you face close,
    so lips can join in one ,
    everlasting kiss.

    A kiss of angel of hell,
    a kiss of angel of above
    may the last one win,
    and take us,
    take us to your / my place,

    or to the place Above the sky,
    on the your and mine wings of love,
    we'll be One in Love Divine for ever on.

    Gost: Vsem
     september 24 2012 19:16   

    Samo kdor razume eno enko, razume da je devet vse in nič. 'Exclaimation'

    Gost: essential nature of heart
     september 24 2012 20:53   

    I see your strong body,
    invincible will and tender heart,
    but I feel
    sometimes, under the weight of the world
    your foundations tremble.

    Then I turn my back to you
    Lean on,
    Breathe Love.

    Completely immersed in moment,
    yield and receive life from one another,
    reaching to that point of tenderness
    where bodies disappear.

    We are just a pillar of vibrating energy
    in balance and flow of Life.
    Miracle of healing.

    In moorning
    your eyes are smiling,
    I caress your hand
    on my body....

    My essential nature of heart
    Whisper to yours:
    My Love
    is your guardian.

    My essential nature of soul
    Whisper to yours:
    I am a Bird on your shield.

    Gost: yet again
     september 26 2012 13:44   

    to essential nature

    I hope my words reach your heart and mind,
    as I speak no words language form “above”
    just the words of my heart and mind,
    prosed my lips for you.

    How well

    How well do know me my love,

    yes my my heart even my mind
    as you say my fundations are troubled,
    trobled daily - until –
    your lips meet mine times more
    and more.

    when I don’t hear your heart beat,
    kiss your heart that gives one joy -
    just to look at you -
    your face eyes lips your heart -
    as One kisses caress your body,
    for the rest of mornig light,
    until night comes one more time.

    how can meet and match -
    with words with your beauty
    words from your heart soul.

    Whatever I write and say,
    it seem to hit a empty space
    within ones my heart as

    as the star beauty that you are
    One can not describe, is not there,
    even though yur beautiful words -
    ending, give One strength and love
    as words that prosed your lips give joy of heaven,

    and angel's peace of beauty,
    one find within your words.
    Words that “One” can not match your beautty.
    only in your words is found your angels beauty ;

    it matters nothing what I say,
    to describe you your heart soul body -
    and joy that you brought to Ones
    heart and soul.

    just look in to your eyes One
    see the your heart soul beauty depth
    as One with kisses caresses your body,

    I see you - your lips want to stay with mine,
    until we join within one another
    times more till morning light again.

    Just stay in my arms so I can see ones more,
    morning light within your eyes -
    and kiss your heart that day,
    times more and more.
    and you,
    your heart mind and body become mine.


    I hope my words reach your heart and mind,
    as I speak no words language form “above”
    just the words of my heart and mind,
    prosed my lips for you.

    How well do know me my love,

    yes my my heart even my mind
    is troubled daily - until –
    your lips meet mine times more
    and more.

    when I don’t hear your heart beat,
    kiss your heart that gives one joy -
    just to look at you -
    your face eyes lips your heart -
    as One kisses caress your body,
    for the rest of mornig light,
    until night comes ones more time.

    how can meet and macth -
    with words wit your beauty
    words from your heart soul.

    Whatever I write and say,
    it seem to hit a empty space
    within ones my heart as

    as the star beauty that you are
    One can not describe, is not there,
    even though yur beautiful words -
    ending, give One strength and love
    as words that prosed your lips give joy of heaven,

    and angel's peace of beauty,
    one find within your words.
    Words that “One” can not match your beautty.
    only in your words is found your angels beauty ;

    it matters nothing what I say,
    to describe you your heart soul body -
    and joy that you brought to Ones
    heart and soul.

    just look in to your eyes One
    see the your heart soul beauty depth
    as One with kisses caresses your body,

    I see you - your lips want to stay with mine,
    until we join within one another
    times more till morning light again.

    Just stay in my arms so I can see ones more,
    morning light within your eyes -
    and kiss your heart that day,
    times more and more.
    and you,
    your heart mind and body become mine.


    Gost: yet again
     september 26 2012 20:24   


    Ps. ....a ripeat in priiting twiice was mistake.....
    but it matter not, as the words are the same - I think...

    stay as you are as do need and love your beauty and your "kind of love"

    'yet again', do come and stay.

    Gost: essential nature of heart
     september 26 2012 21:30   

    I surrender,
    lean on the blade
    of my fear
    and I found Love.

    Thank you 'cause
    in your eyes I can clearly see
    my essential nature of heart.
    I love you for that.

    Thank you 'cause
    your gentle body
    guide me to a doorway
    of a sacred land.

    Thank you,
    your soul is my light,
    my Home.

    Gost: (yet again) a *star* shines
     september 27 2012 09:04   

    essential nature

    Just for good morning

    I say no more; talk to later on, (
    (about your verses now)

    it's a lot to be said about your words, (my love)
    even if short, but telling a lot.

    So I say no more o now:
    let's you dream some more,
    I wont,
    or better NOT: let me disturb you dreams.

    “Before” you wake up ..

    good morning beautiful

    and so on......videos are all nice;
    I knew not how in what order to send you *so sending you all * that I could find quickly*
    (Except first 2 or better or 5 ) and so on.....
    you do *my love*
    1 or two.....for fun or love.....

    Gost: yet again
     september 27 2012 10:04   

    essntial nature;

    Regarding The Above:
    it reflects my nature,

    one of hurry...
    Just RELAX, please /do not run/;

    as there is NO pressure or hurry to impress.

    ONLY a way mine today;

    (as I had no time to choose),
    a song for You (your “essential nature”) a "loving Welcome to my "Soul". more to You later...*if you there or NOT*

    Gost: (yet again) "star search"
     september 27 2012 19:08   

    Quote by: essential nature of heart.

    I surrender,
    lean on the blade
    of my fear
    and I found Love.

    Thank you 'cause
    in your eyes I can clearly see
    my essential nature of heart.
    I love you for that.

    Thank you 'cause
    your gentle body
    guide me to a doorway
    of a sacred land.

    Thank you,
    your soul is my light,
    my Home.

    I looked in dictionaries,
    I searched the universe,
    I searched in books on philosophy “religion”
    I searched books of love and life stories.
    I searched in heart and mind with in me,

    and yet I found NOT nobler or better said -
    more beautiful word ever said to anyone -
    or by Anyone to Anybody like You did.

    I can say I do love You,
    if is only for those words
    ones up in the moment.

    Yes I do,
    even if this is last time I hear from You -
    I shall treasure Your "name" memory of You -
    for as long as I can count my day..
    Thank You for the moment that I red them -

    By, or better said through those words You shall -
    You shall stay with-in my Soul...
    And shall treasure You Your name Your words -

    In timein place "above" the sky
    among the stars of the Universe
    and beyond for ever more
    I shall remember you.

    As You know me not - and yet
    You trust to say with in My Soul.

    Thank You as for this moment I can say -
    I hope that you don't mind -
    as I call You -
    "My Love" thank You for words like that.

    Spoken Ones up on the Time by -
    Essential Nature of the heart to Me.
    Thank You and may "heaven" bless You -
    and Your Love as well.

    Yes I do,
    and shall love You, Your Heart and Soul -
    for those even if for those word only.

    DO stay in My Soul...
    as that's your Home, 'cause You've chosen it.
    DO stay...
    You can get away NO more.
    I shall NOT let You go any-more.

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