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     Spisek forumov > Luštne stvari > Lepe misli, verzi, pesmi,... Nov topic Pošlji odgovor
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    Gost: tvojemu imenu
     september 15 2012 19:51

    Gost: venice huston
     september 15 2012 21:14   

    to " You -Tebi " or not; as I do not know; but I do suspect, as I know you words.
    (I love you cat) I suspect it's more like You. I love it...the cat.

    That's not why I'm here, not at all.

    Do you remember the time gone by when you said:

    "where You are not there is no sanctity of time nor infinity of space..."
    as you were under tree with a crust to share in the midst of ;

    in the midst of evening winds of hurricane and storm, as you run in the hand of lover,
    where you were safe and worm as he embraced you tight to worm your -
    lovely loving face, heart and your body tight to him / as winds of hurricane gone by.

    As you move not out of his embrace till sun came out morning light.
    All night you stood with love and tenderness and passion that only your heat can give /
    all night you stood tight in his arms as winds of storm gone by.

    If you remember this you are my choice of love;
    my choice in sacred space for eternity of time.

    But first you must know something else the only you and I do know;

    So that I may know that you the one who stood in winds of storm,
    in embrace of the your lover for at least that /one night.
    as you said lovingly that you were mine.

    and it was said...H......we have a pro.......

    Gost: Tebi
     september 15 2012 22:45   

    kdo je ta X-houston?
    odkod sploh ta stavek?
    in: v zmoti si zelo veliki. Smile

    Gost: Tebi
     september 15 2012 22:48   

    Quote by: Un...

    Quote by: Tebi



    Tole zgleda mamo v genih, direkt od Adama Wink

    in kaj imamo od Eve, v genih mislim? Smile

    Gost: Tebi
     september 15 2012 22:49   


    lahko noč

    Gost: opazovalec
     september 16 2012 10:11   

    že tako anonimni so tukaj še enkrat zakriti

    Gost: (no) venice without doves
     september 16 2012 10:54   

    but first to you - as it migt NOT have been YOU; so My apology with respect,

    and I've only seen her name but I was not there.
    She spoke not of Me and could be speakig of anyone.

    I am not dreaming nor am I a loony,
    but there is somebody out there and must remember her own words:
    "when you are NOT, there is no sanctity of time nor infinity of space"
    (her-self must know more to proove that IS her-self)

    as this words are hunting me to death,
    that why I’d like to find the mind the lips that had said them,
    or heart that had expressed her-self in way like that - a wonderful way.

    Gost: (no) venice without doves
     september 16 2012 13:56   

    Let's make clear, as my apology was to (tebi)

    Gost: and
     september 16 2012 16:15   

    I apologize, for there was a mistake in oppenig new site.
    for this belongs here only.

    and as we had to have at meeting write,
    the most beautiful words we ever heard,
    about feelings,

    I had vriten your words, (who ever you are):

    "when you are NOT, there is no sanctity of time nor infinity of space"

    I had or. better your words have won the prize to me.
    and it means that I am NOT a loony...

    only - yes I DO still,

    love and remember those words, (even though might not had been meant for me)
    because I DO know that could only come out - from extremely nobel mind and heart.

    I don't care, who you are or where you are as long as you are (Her) (female a mean)

    (yes I am conservative) but a do respect any choice,

    but I DO not and I repeat do NOT apoligize for my views.

    But I do still love and rememer those words.

    Lucky "the One" whom ever you've given your heart to.

    Gost: ?x!
     september 16 2012 17:00   

    imamo novi rač. virus... 'Eek!'

    Gost: and
     september 16 2012 17:26   

    and you too remid me of her.
    As she can be very cruel same time - better said to often,
    even to those whom she "loves"

    Gost: and
     september 16 2012 17:48   

    and, NO dear is NOT a virus,
    for, if the one who said those words, translates in her own language,
    she will recognise her own heart and heart of the one whom those words were meant for.

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