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     Spisek forumov > Luštne stvari > Lepe misli, verzi, pesmi,... Nov topic Pošlji odgovor
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    Gost: Tebi
     september 18 2012 16:29   

    Quote by: moj prvi (Tebi)

    Tebi, a to ti meni?


    Svet se zagotovo ne vrti samo okoli tebe!

    Srečno tudi Tebi (prvi Tebi) Smile

    - nič ne jemlji osebno

    Gost: Tebi
     september 18 2012 16:41   

    Tebi in samo tebi

    Gost: and
     september 18 2012 17:33   

    and if I may say so, with respect;
    as is the absolutely very last thing I want to is argue something along that line.
    I am NOT saying in that you do, NOT at all. May this be clear.

    Be critical to me, as I can take it, if I deserve it. Yes do. May be from somebodies viewpoint I do.
    For that I don't care, if I am being criticized for expressing words friendship of love for somebody,
    let it be so.

    Why should I?
    As some people on the SP, don't care what they say in order to -
    insult or discredit somebody a front of the whole world.

    Why should nice sincere word of friendship or any other love, turning the stomach around is beyond me.
    What for.
    What is nicer to hear than the word of love?

    You tell me; Be critical, i can take it, go ahead NO offence. It's OK, as I am proud that am capable express it publicly my love to anybody a chose.
    Let it be so. I can do it affront of the whole white and all colored world

    As for the other I do hope or better I do know is she is "SHE"

    May I say so: long live the queen of hearts, (for me) as I strongly believe (when she not cruel)
    she is the best mind, gentle hearted spirited person on SP as well. She can cruel I do know.

    Please, see, this NOT a speech or a lesson to anybody; just my opinion.

    Thank You...
    see you later

    Gost: Tebi
     september 18 2012 19:01   

    Quote by: Tebi

    Quote by: moj prvi (Tebi)

    Tebi, a to ti meni?


    Svet se zagotovo ne vrti samo okoli tebe!

    Srečno tudi Tebi (prvi Tebi) Smile

    - nič ne jemlji osebno

    Seveda se ne vrti okoli mene, čeprav svet se vrti okoli mene točno tako kot okoli tebe, in, Tebi, ki si se podpisal/a tako kot jaz - Tebi, hvala za lepe želje. Enako tudi Tebi Big Grin

    - ne mešajte mene v vaše zgodbe Wink
    od tega posta dalje mene ni na tem forumu, niti kot "Tebi" niti kot XY itd.

    Gost: and
     september 19 2012 06:09   

    >>The „One“ woke up
    gentle woman, sleeping in me.
    Gentle women began to write
    and she is now living (in) Love.

    So scared little girl no longer need to be cruel
    To him (to yourself).<<

    ...thank you dear; yet again,
    for those beautiful words,
    as on them He shall build a bridge
    from there on to your heart. Ones more.

    like She tried and did successfully before:
    >>Gradim most
    z srca....
    vem da veš po mavrici priti....<<
    Ne morem pozabiti Te
    Srce moje.
    Dal si mi ključ
    tvoj'ga doma,
    Tvoj'ga Srca.

    Objem v katerem
    sem začutila
    Tu si želim bit Doma.

    ...if She lied to Him or not, it matters not.
    For He will keep those words as you let HIM so.
    He shall treasure those words:
    for the life to come.

    There are many more.
    Thank for moments gone by.
    I shall see Her sometime Amor....

    PS: He will treasure those
    moments and words
    words and sentiments
    of Her heart long ago gone by.
    Even though if that are NOT there -
    now at all.

    for the memory let Him expres all sorts of His sentiments to Her this way:
    "by stages":

    do take care

    Gost: and
     september 19 2012 12:18   

    ...and let me say more, to You besame, I do again give you glory, and if I may say so,

    even though I was to lose, /the friendship of both of you/ I do risk and say:

    that along with besami and merijen, of what /I DO read/ there is nobody .

    or better, the is no female greater than you 2 on Sp.

    Even though you both are idelologicaly opposite I may I give BOTH glory,

    as I feel and think, I do love you BOTH and each one in Her own special way.

    For what I read, you are both greate in Your Own right.
    If to both of you means anything at all, of what I said, I DO NOT know.
    But there it is.....I DO love you all.

    ..along with NAN, of who do dare not express and reserve any judgiment at, except that I do respect Her and like a lot as well.

    I do maitain what I have said, I do sincerly hope tha I DO NOT lose, and repeat again: DO NOT,
    lose your or merijen friendship, because I mens a lot to me.

    I say NO more, but that I do love you ALL.

    regards and love to you all.


    Gost: and
     september 19 2012 13:49   

    ..sorry...!!....better said "ladies" (NOT femails)

    Gost: and
     september 20 2012 03:12   

    to besame
    ....I do apology DEEPLY AND SINCERELY,
    if any of videos offended you.

    I did NOT assume and repeat again I did NOT intend -
    to press on content of videos on you.

    If you felt insulted, please DO forgive me.

    I do sencerily mean, as I do respect as well ...
    beside as what I have told you.

    I shall respect your feelings in the..
    future and I do hope I consider -
    myself to be you a friend.

    You do NOT have to answer to this Email.
    What is more important that you except my apology.
    may your dreams come true...



    Gost: and
     september 21 2012 00:32   

    besame september 17 2012 20:09

    Thank you

    >>The „One“ woke up
    gentle woman, sleeping in me.
    Gentle women began to write
    and she is now living (in) Love.

    So scared little girl no longer need to be cruel
    To him (to yourself).

    If you like my words
    it is ok to keep them,
    but please accept
    that I'm not yours „The One“.

    So, dear friend,
    stop thinking so much,
    stop writing too much.
    Let love moves through you
    in her own.... mysterious ways.

    Thank you for your kind words
    I wish you happiness, love.... <<

    Thank you for your gentelness -
    and honesty.
    I do undertand.

    I gambled s I meant well,
    Nothing to do with You or Anybody,

    Just reality,
    that beat me as I have lost,
    have lost some friends,
    gained some in freedom,
    I hope.

    I knew I took risk in good faith,
    But got beaten.

    I am NOT sorry as I spoke - only
    I do hope;
    the words of friendship - love
    I "hide" it is a open space.

    do, take care..

    Gost: and
     september 21 2012 00:33   

    besame september 17 2012 20:09

    Thank you

    >>The „One“ woke up
    gentle woman, sleeping in me.
    Gentle women began to write
    and she is now living (in) Love.

    So scared little girl no longer need to be cruel
    To him (to yourself).

    If you like my words
    it is ok to keep them,
    but please accept
    that I'm not yours „The One“.

    So, dear friend,
    stop thinking so much,
    stop writing too much.
    Let love moves through you
    in her own.... mysterious ways.

    Thank you for your kind words
    I wish you happiness, love.... <<

    Thank you for your gentelness -
    and honesty.
    I do undertand.

    I gambled s I meant well,
    Nothing to do with You or Anybody,

    Just reality,
    that beat me as I have lost,
    have lost some friends,
    gained some in freedom,
    I hope.

    I knew I took risk in good faith,
    But got beaten.

    I am NOT sorry as I spoke - only
    I do hope;
    the words of friendship - love
    I "hide" it is a open space.

    do, take care..

    Gost: essential nature of heart
     september 23 2012 21:59   

    My path on earth,
    challenging time,
    much is changing,
    often as there is no hope.

    Often only love
    can cure me,
    make us stronger,
    wiser and delicatly gentle.

    Two faces of one energy;
    Strong creative force
    inseparable from all encompassing and oceanic energy.

    Aware of a certain movement inside me,
    slight restlessness, a desire for… a longing for....
    Answer to that longing....

    Dance skintight,
    celebrating beauty,
    worship each other,
    celebrating joining.

    I'd turn my back on You
    I want just to feel you.
    Lean on me
    Magic happens when I'm sharing my wings
    with Yours.

    My essential nature of heart
    Guide my spiritual journey.
    Yours essential nature of heart
    Fulfill this road to Divine.

    Gost: sedem minut
     september 23 2012 22:57   

    ...ko razumeš,
    da včeraj nikoli več ne bo,
    in ne veš, da jutri obstaja,
    se ustaviš pred sabo
    in starim mislim v slovo
    pozabljene pesmi poklanjaš.

    "...sem le človek, človek kot vsi, iskra življenja na neki cesti, tako kot vsako živo bitje... ne verjamem, da ta svet je bil ustvarjen za borbe in tekme, ali mogoče sem jaz zgrešila trajektorij med padcem in pristala slučajno pristala v tem svetu hitrosti...
    ...ugotoviš, da niti kakšne rakete ni pri roki, da bi raziskal tisti cilj na kateri si bil namenjen... tako pretresen nad napačnim naslovom pristanka, da si pozabil od kod si prišel in da od tu do jutri še vedno obstaja pot... pot do tja kjer te čaka prevozno sredstvo, ki te bo odpeljalo v pravi smeri... le stati na mestu ne smeš, moreš se premikati, premikati naprej... vsakega, ki ga boš srečal na poti vzemi s seboj, če te prosil s svojo tiho prisotnostjo ob tvojem odhodu... tam nekje je jutro... in danes - je ravna cesta in prijateljska iskra življenja ob tebi... samo vdihni še enkrat, globoko, globoko... zadrži srce z dušo in štej 1+2+3+... iiiiiin: "Dobro Jutro, končno... "

    (to so bili sedem minut pavze... brez namena pomena)

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