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    Študija: Obraz razkriva, kakšnim ljubezenskim zvezam smo naklonjeni   
    ponedeljek, 21. april 2008 @ 22:30 CEST
    Uporabnik: Sonce

    Študija, o kateri na svoji spletni strani piše BBC, razkriva, da poteze na obrazu izdajajo, kakšnim ljubezenskim zvezam je človek naklonjen. Študijo so izvedli ameriški znanstveniki, v njej pa je sodelovalo 700 ljudi.

    Študija je pokazala, da ženske nezavedno izbirajo partnerje, katerih obraz govori, da so nagnjeni k dolgotrajnejšim ljubezenskim zvezam. Pri moških je ravno obratno.

    Znanstveniki so proučevali poteze 700 ljudi, ki so bili stari od 20 do 30 let. Kazali so jim fotografije obrazov, udeleženci pa so morali izbirati tiste, za katere se jim je zdelo, da so naklonjeni posameznim vrstam ljubezenskih zvez. Udeležence študije so tudi prosili, naj se odločijo, kateri obraz se jim na splošno zdijo najbolj privlačni in kateri se jim zdijo bolj moški in bolj ženski.

    Ugotovili so, da imajo moški z mačističnim obrazom: močno brado, majhnimi očmi, večjim nosom, raje kratkotrajne ljubezenske zveze. Večini žensk o se zdeli manj privlačni. Pri ženskah je bilo obratno: moškim so bile najbolj všeč tiste, katerih obraz je izdajal, da ne iščejo dolgotrajnih zvez.

    Študija tako potrjuje ugotovitve številnih prejšnjih raziskav, ki so dokazala, da se iz obraza da prebrati marsikaj, med drugim tudi nekatere osebnostne značilnosti, kot je na primer introvertiranost.


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  • Študija: Obraz razkriva, kakšnim ljubezenskim zvezam smo naklonjeni | 2 komentarjev. | Nov uporabnik

    Za komentarje so odgovorni njihovi avtorji. Avtorji spletne strani na komentarje obiskovalcev nimamo nobenega vpliva.

    Študija: Obraz razkriva, kakšnim ljubezenskim zvezam smo naklonjeni

    Prispeval/a: sonce zanimanja dne sreda, 30. april 2008 @ 09:10 CEST

    Face values applied to love game

    People's attitudes to relationships could be given away by just the look of their face, it has been claimed - with men and women often after the opposite.

    Researchers said men generally preferred women they perceive are open to short-term sexual relationships, with women after longer-term matches.

    Men with big jaws and small eyes were perceived as less committed by women.

    The Universities of Aberdeen and St Andrews worked with Durham University studying 700 people in their 20s.

    The scientists said their research showed people could use their perceptions to make more informed partner selection depending on the type of relationship they were after.

    Heterosexual participants were shown pairs of photographs of men and women in their early 20s.

    Participants were asked to choose the face that they felt would be more open to short-term sexual relationships, one-night stands and the idea of sex without love.

    They were also asked which face they thought was the most attractive for a long or short-term relationship, who was more masculine or feminine, and who they thought was generally attractive.

    'Instinctive judgements'

    These judgments were compared with the actual attitudes to relationships of the subjects in the photographs determined through a questionnaire.

    Researchers said that the results determined many could accurately judge from photographs who would be more interested in a short-term sexual relationship or a long-term relationship.

    Women who were open to short-term sexual relationships were usually seen by others as more attractive.

    The men who were more open to casual sex were generally perceived as more masculine-looking, with squarer jaws, larger noses and smaller eyes.

    Dr Lynda Boothroyd, of Durham University's psychology department, told the BBC Scotland news website: "This study shows we can make these kind of instinctive judgements for sex. We have a subconscious - not always right but reasonable - guide."

    She explained: "Our results suggest that although some people can judge the sexual strategy of others simply from looking at their face, people are not always sure about their judgements possibly because the cues are very subtle.

    "Yet preferences for different types of face were actually quite strong. This shows that these initial impressions may be part of how we assess potential mates - or potential rivals - when we first meet them.

    "These will then give way over time to more in depth knowledge of that person, as you get to know them better, and may change with age."

    'Not presume'

    Dr Ben Jones, of the University of Aberdeen's Face Research Lab, said: "Lots of previous studies have shown that people can judge a lot about a person from their face, including things like health and even some personality traits like introversion.

    "But this really is the first study to show that people are also sensitive to subtle facial signals about the type of romantic relationships that others might enjoy."

    Professor David Perrett, a psychologist from the Perception Lab at the University of St Andrews, added: "While faces do hold cues to sexual attitudes, men should not presume any kind of relationship is wanted from appearance alone since women's choice is what matters.

    "Indeed most women found promiscuous-looking guys unattractive for both short and long-term relationships."

    The study, published in the Journal of Evolution and Human Behaviour on Wednesday, was funded by the Medical Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council.

    Študija: Obraz razkriva, kakšnim ljubezenskim zvezam smo naklonjeni

    Prispeval/a: Tatjana Malec dne sreda, 30. april 2008 @ 09:14 CEST
    Sonce zanimanja,

    prosim, če se komentar lahko prevede, da ga bodo razumeli tudi angleško negovoreči učenci.


    LP Tatjana

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