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    Desert Rose   
    nedelja, 30. december 2012 @ 16:09 CET
    Uporabnik: leo

    * Pisma bralcevDesert Rose

    Sad emotion fill the heart
    of rider searching for traces
    of past love songs heaven beauty
    verses love passions dreams of beauty.

    heart of rider death of rider,
    stone of death.
    As knew him well the best friend of his,
    as now strides on broken bones now dust
    on heart of brave man
    even though he was not lion
    but a man who could fight love
    hate and cry.

    He had it all in him, and he did gave
    all he could for single dream. All he had.
    As the misfortunes of life demanded
    he gave it all he had.
    Not even tears are left in him.

    Te last word still echo saying:
    go man go there when I pass "away"
    plat a flower in the desert storm.
    as flower will grow again in love beauty
    in love and glory from pains tears traces -
    of love and beauty, that why the flower wil grow.

    There is but one lonesome Rose in death of deser night
    in silence, where there realm of nobody
    but flower had been planted in sand of a desert storm,
    now starts growing.

    All was there as he told the tall stories
    stories of a desert of love
    with flower full of beauty love and glory.

    Plant this Rose he said....and he moved in

    dimensions to the rider yet unknown.

    All is quiet now, but the lone Rose shivering
    in desert sand planted in the desert storm
    all he wished was done for him.

    A Rose planted fo him in a sand of a desert storm,
    for now He is gone in to uknown,
    while Rose of Love and Beauty
    shivers alone in a desert storm.

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    Desert Rose | 1 komentarjev. | Nov uporabnik

    Za komentarje so odgovorni njihovi avtorji. Avtorji spletne strani na komentarje obiskovalcev nimamo nobenega vpliva.

    Desert Rose

    Prispeval/a: aries_1 dne ponedeljek, 31. december 2012 @ 02:35 CET
    ...del teme "Desert Rose

    ..težko je opustit iskanje "avtorju" teh verzov;
    ker verjamem, da je ženska; (angl. perfektna)
    Ne da se pustiti:
    Vse preveč lepote; poleg vzrokov drame realnega življenja.
    (Light of Love)

    essential nature of heart september

    My path on earth,
    challenging time,
    much is changing,
    often as there is no hope.

    Often only love
    can cure me,
    make us stronger,
    wiser and delicatly gentle.

    Two faces of one energy;
    Strong creative force
    inseparable from all encompassing and oceanic energy.

    Aware of a certain movement inside me,
    slight restlessness, a desire for… a longing for....
    Answer to that longing....

    Dance skintight,
    celebrating beauty,
    worship each other,
    celebrating joining.

    I'd turn my back on You
    I want just to feel you.
    Lean on me
    Magic happens when I'm sharing my wings
    with Yours.

    My essential nature of heart
    Guide my spiritual journey.
    Yours essential nature of heart
    Fulfill this road to Divine.
    essential nature of heart October

    I see your strong body,
    invincible will and tender heart,
    but I feel
    sometimes, under the weight of the world
    your foundations tremble.

    Then I turn my back to you
    Lean on,
    Breathe Love.

    Completely immersed in moment,
    yield and receive life from one another,
    reaching to that point of tenderness
    where bodies disappear.

    We are just a pillar of vibrating energy
    in balance and flow of Life.
    Miracle of healing.

    In moorning
    your eyes are smiling,
    I caress your hand
    on my body....

    My essential nature of heart
    Whisper to yours:
    My Love
    is your guardian.

    My essential nature of soul
    Whisper to yours:
    I am a Bird on your shield.
    essential nature of heart October

    I surrender,
    lean on the blade
    of my fear
    and I found Love.

    Thank you 'cause
    in your eyes I can clearly see
    my essential nature of heart.
    I love you for that.

    Thank you 'cause
    your gentle body
    guide me to a doorway
    of a sacred land.

    Thank you,
    your soul is my light,
    my Home.
    Light of Love
    ...angl. perfektna

    Kar je glavno:
    srce, ki piše tako ni prazna glava. Torej ima vse.
    ps:...če sem nor je moj problem...ok?

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