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    Live 8 v Sloveniji   
    četrtek, 30. junij 2005 @ 19:51 CEST
    Uporabnik: Pozitivke

    * Za boljši svet in dobrodelnost DOLGA POT DO PRAVICE - Podporna prireditev »Live 8« v Sloveniji

    Ob srečanju voditeljev držav skupine G8, ki bo v Edinburgu, na Škotskem, od 6. do 9. julija 2005, se bodo po celem svetu odvijale prireditve, katerih cilj je doseči odpis dolga najrevnejšim državam sveta.
    Tudi v Sloveniji bo 2. julija 2005, med 10. in 13. uro, na Prešernovem Trgu v Ljubljani, potekala prireditev v duhu koncertov Live 8.

    Preko kulturno-glasbenega programa želimo opozoriti slovensko javnost na probleme revščine, ki je glavni vzrok lakote in nasilja v svetu. Zaradi revščine vsak dan umre 30.000 otrok. Revščina in tekma za obvladovanje in nadzor nad majhnimi, pogosto tudi nezadostnimi naravnimi viri preživetja, sta največkrat vzrok za nastanek konfliktov, ki imajo za posledico množično razselitev prebivalstva, tako znotraj države, kot tudi preko njenih meja, v obliki vala beguncev. In sedaj v letu 2005, ko imamo vire, znanje in možnosti, da končamo to sramotno situacijo, je potrebno ukrepati. Potrebno je odpisati dolg državam tretjega sveta, povečati in izboljšati razvojno pomoč, ki jo razvite države namenjajo državam v razvoju in zagotoviti enake možnosti nastopanja v svetovni trgovini za vse udeležence.

    Tudi v Sloveniji se bomo pridružili milijonom ljudi po celem svetu, ki bodo z nošenjem belega traku, izkazali svojo podporo omenjenim ciljem.

    V ta namen smo zdruzili moči Stranka mladih Slovenije, Stik603, UNICEF Slovenije, Amnesty International Slovenije, Društvo Afriški center, Sekcija za tropsko medicino, Joseph Rakotorahalahy - pomoč za Madagaskar, Humanity's Team Slovenije, Drustvo Loesje, Mirovniška Fundacija Beli golob, UNHCR, Slovenska filantropija, Slovenski ekološki forum, Misijonsko središče Slovenije in Umanotera, dnevnik dobrih novic, pridružujejo pa se nam še nove organizacije.

    Na prireditvi bomo podporo spremembram izrazili s kulturno-glasbenim programom, stojnicami, letaki, plakati.Nastopili bodo: Joseph Rakotorahalahy s prijatelji, Kesukozi, Wake up, Organgutan, Adi Smolar, Trkaj, Gianni Rijavec, Iris Mulej,
    Tomo Kriznar, ter Spela&Robin. in drugi.

    Več informacij:,,,

    Slovenija se je že leta 2000 skupaj z ostalimi članicami Združenih Narodov zavezala k izpolnitvi Milenijskih ciljev, med katerimi je tudi zaveza razvitih držav, da bodo najkasneje do leta 2015 za razvojno pomoč državam v razvoju namenile vsaj 0.7% BDP. Pridružite se nam tudi vi in s svojo podporo prispevajte k zagotovitvi pravičnejšega sveta.


    > 10.00 Aviso - Do they know it's Christmas time
    > (verzija iz l. 1985)

    > 10.05 Joseph Rakotorahalahy s prijatelji in 2
    bobnarja (KESUKOZI) -
    nastopijo skupaj (2 pesmi)

    > 10.15 Mojca Mavec - pozdravni nagovor, tudi v imenu
    vseh oranizatorjev,

    > 10.20 Adi Smolar (20 min)

    > 10.40 Mojca in pozdrav podžupana MOL g. Slaka

    > 10.50 Trkaj (2 pesmi)

    > 11.05 Mojca in Iris Mulej (nekaj besed o stanju v povabita
    naslednjega gosta)

    > 11.10 Gianni Rijavec (2 pesmi)

    > 11.25 Mojca in Tomo Križnar

    > 11.35 Organgutan z Robinom in Špelo - 1 pesem

    > 11.40 Organgutan

    > 12.00 Mojca (točno opoldne :)

    > 12.05 Wake up

    > 12.30 Mojca - zaključni pozdrav, poziv k podpori

    > 12.35 Joseph s prijatelji

    > 13.00 Zaključek

    | More

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    Live 8 v Sloveniji | 2 komentarjev. | Nov uporabnik

    Za komentarje so odgovorni njihovi avtorji. Avtorji spletne strani na komentarje obiskovalcev nimamo nobenega vpliva.

    Live 8 v Sloveniji

    Prispeval/a: A dne četrtek, 30. junij 2005 @ 12:23 CEST
    Za tiskovno konferenco, ki bo danes ob 13, nas je Robert Dewa prosil, naj vsak od udeležencev napiše en stavek zakaj je začutil, da bi sodeloval v projektu.

    Sami smo svoj vzgib za sodelovanje se razume, da poleg popolnoma vseh človekoljubnih vidikov, opisali takole:

    V tem trenutku, je prišel čas, da se na novo zavemo dejstva, da več kot imamo, več lahko podarimo.
    Bistvo dajanja ja namreč v tem, da bomo s tem, ko bomo več dali definitivno več prejeli in da zato ni več nobene potrebe po strahu, da bi s tem ko damo kaj izgubili.

    Z veseljem dajemo svoje glas na razpolago, da zato, da se apel razširi do src čimveč ljudi.
    dnevnik dobrih novic in poučnih dogodkov

    your life, your stile, your software

    Live 8 v Sloveniji

    Prispeval/a: A dne sobota, 2. julij 2005 @ 08:33 CEST
    Anita kejžar nam pošilja tole sporočilce, ki ga je dobila

    Hi All,

    ( First of all I know I am posting this on the Yahoo groups, and it does
    NOT contain my homework :-) )

    Live 8 tomorrow is the largest spiritual gathering the world has known
    in our time.

    As a greybeard, I remember Live Aid and the emotions it raised. My now 6
    foot 2 inches son was 18 months old approximately. I cried when they
    played the Doors to the (then) amazing scenes of the starving children.

    To save re inventing what has already been said, the text of an Email
    from William Bloom is below, it says it all.

    I will be with you all emotionally.

    With Love


    William Bloom Logo

    Please circulate


    This Saturday's Live8 Concert will be the biggest spiritual event that
    humanity has ever experienced.

    This is an extravagant claim, but two things are for certain. First,
    never before in the history of humanity have so many people been
    involved in a single shared experience. Second, the core of the
    experience is both celebratory and moral - 'spiritual' by any other

    The figures and reality of the event are impressive and worth repeating.
    Live8 will be the biggest broadcast ever, with more than 5.5 billion
    people able to tune in through a variety of media. The global population
    today stands at 6.5 billion which means that 85 per cent of all people
    will be able to watch or listen to the concert. This surpasses the
    previous 2004 record of the 3.9 billion people who watched the Olympic

    No matter how cynical some may be about its showbiz buzz, the whole
    happening can be positively described as contemporary collective
    religion and spirituality at its best. It has all the features of great
    worship. Song, rhythm and noble ideals.

    Whether it is the Gregorian chant of Christian monks, hymn singing,
    tribal and pagan dance, Buddhist mantras, Islamic song-prayers or one of
    the many other cultural forms - throughout history, in all times and
    places, people have come together to share their spirituality through

    Today the shared music of our globe is rock and pop.

    This Saturday the congregation is almost everyone on the planet.

    Global, collective worship.

    And the event has depth - the depth of true meaning, compassion and
    relevance. It is concerned with the suffering and deaths of millions of
    children and adults, condemned by a poverty that can be remedied. It
    will raise consciousness and open hearts.

    It is fully engaged in social and political realities, bringing direct
    pressure to bear on the 8 world leaders who will meet in Scotland for
    the G8 summit and who have the opportunity now to increase aid, release
    debt and create a global trading system that is fair, immediately saving
    lives that are otherwise slaughtered by our gods of uncaring commerce
    and power politics.

    But as a spiritual event, Live8 will also carry atmosphere and energy.
    It will call in and transmit love, compassion and connection. Anyone who
    remembers the LiveAid concert of 20 years ago, or the opening and
    closing of the last Olympic games, will remember the powerful emotion
    and energy of those events.

    This Saturday, then, is also an opportunity for prayer, meditation and

    There is occasion here for everyone to participate. As well as being
    enthusiastic supporters and spectators, we can also give co-creative
    spiritual engagement. Whatever the event appears to be on the outside,
    in the inner world it also has immense power. During the worldwide
    concert, we can pray and meditate for global healing and justice for all
    the world's people.

    We can call for and send healing.

    We can increase our commitment to a life style that harms no one and no

    Religion by religion there is a common myth that their saviour will
    return and lead humanity to a better world, to heaven on earth. This is
    an old model, a hope dependent on a single leader. Today's world is more
    democratic, less hierarchical. There is the possibility that humanity as
    a whole can manifest its spirituality and love of freedom. As with the
    fall of the Berlin Wall or the response to the Tsunami disaster, the
    heart and passion of humanity can manifest in enormous group events.

    As we know every few seconds a child dies of extreme poverty. A lost
    life, a devastated family. I cannot live with this any more. Most of us
    cannot bear it.

    Linked by the global communications network, linked by our shared
    prayers and meditations, let this coming Saturday truly be the greatest
    spiritual event ever. Let it move and transform the hearts of all of
    us, manifesting practically in a transformed world.

    Enjoy the party. Anchor the passion. Heal the world.

    William Bloom
    June 2005

    Jim Doyle

    your life, your stile, your software

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