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Mednarodna znanstvena konferenca MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS ponedeljek, 3. september 2007 @ 20:27 CEST Uporabnik: Pozitivke Mednarodna znanstvena konferenca MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS bo 13. in 14. oktobra 2007 v Kamniku.  Na konferenci bo 5 vabljenih predavanj in 18 rednih predavanj. Gostovali bodo predavatelji iz osmih držav (Velika Britanija, ZDA, Rusija, Švica, Bolgarija, Srbija, Hrvaška in Slovenija). Za poslušalce je kotizacija 150Eur (za plačila do 10. septembra, oziroma 180 Eur po 10. septembru), ki vključuje vsa predavanja, osvežitve med odmori, konferenčni komplet (Natisnjen zbornik z vsemi članki, konferenčna majica), ter certifikat o udeležbi na konferenci. Konferenca bo potekala v angleščini - brez prevajanja. Za delavnico, ki bo potekala dva dni pred konferenco, je prof. Korotkov za Slovence (delavnica bo prevajana v slovenščino) znižal kotizacijo na 350Eur. Za vse podrobnosti in prijavo si poglejte spletno stran konference http://pluton.fri.uni-lj.si/mef2007 ali se obrnite na Katjo Vrhovnik po mailu: zdravilnigaj@gmail.com   oz po tel: 041 785675  Preliminary Program of the Conference October 11, 2007 - WORKSHOP October 12, 2007 - WORKSHOP October 13, 2007 - CONFERENCE  9:00 - 9: 55 Invited lecture:  Vladimir Voeikov 10:00-11:00 Three regular lectures (M.Škarja1, M.Mlađenović, R.Krašovec) 11:00-11:30 Coffee break 11:30-12:25 Invited lecture: Igor Jerman 12:30-14:30 Lunch break 14:30-15 :30 Three regular lectures (E.Evitmova, R.Leskovar2, M. Škarja2) 15 :30-16:0 0 Coffee break 16:0 0-16:55 Invited lecture: Dejan Raković 17:0 0-18:00 Three regular lectures (A.Levitchev, A.Detela, R.Leskovar1) 19:30- Gala Dinner October 14, 2007 - CONFERENCE  9:00 - 9:55 Invited lecture: Konstantin  Korotkov: 10: 00-11:00 Three regular lectures (C.Bigler, I.Džanič, A.Stosić) 11:00-11:30 Coffee break 11:30-12:30 Three regular lectures (M.Cowan, A.Žulič, E.O'Keeffe) 12:30-14:30 Lunch break 14:30-15 :30 Three regular lectures (P.Papuga, R.Steel, R.Taylor) 15 :30-16:0 0 Coffee break 16:0 0-16:55 Invited lecture: Igor Kononenko 17:0 0-18:30 Round table - discussion  October 15, 2007 - TRIP & MEASUREMENTS The list of accepted papers for International scientific conference MEASURING ENERGY FIELDS To be held in Kamnik, Slovenia, October 13-14, 2007  SECTION: Subtle energies and water  Invited lecture:    - prof.dr.Vladimir Voeikov: Fundamental role of water in bioenergetics Regular papers:    - dr. Metod Škarja: Electrophotography – the method for revealing the subtle states of water and environment    - mag.Milan Mlađenović, dr. Jelena Blagojević, and dr. Mladen Vujošević:  Analyses of effects of water treatment with coded magnets using Allium anaphase-telophase test     - dr. Rok Krašovec, prof.dr.Igor Jerman, dr.Metod Škarja: Molecular imprinting into water by means of strong electric field and its effects on humans   SECTION: The nature of the biofield Invited lecture:    - prof.dr.Igor Jerman: Physical and Biological meaning of Biofield Regular papers:     - dr.Elena Evtimova: Toroidal Structure of the Assemblage Point and a naive model of Human Energy Field    - dr.Robert T. Leskovar: Digital visualization of the biofield by means of light oscillation analysis    - dr.Metod Škarja: Near Field based Measurements of Biofield of Organisms and in Nature   SECTION: Physical and biological approaches to study subtle energies and consciousness Invited lecture:    - prof.dr.Dejan Raković: Scientific bases of quantum-holographic paradigm Regular papers:     - prof.dr.Alex Levichev: DLF-approach as the development of Segal's chronometric theory. III: More on the tachionic component     - dr.Andrej Detela: Some remarks on measuring endogenous electromagnetic radiation in living matter     - dr.Robert T. Leskovar: Biophoton field – properties and application   SECTION: Gas Discharge Visualization/Electro-Photonic Capture Invited lecture:    - prof.dr.Konstantin Korotkov: General principles of electrophotonic analysis Regular papers:     - dr.Christoph Bigler, Franco P. Weibel: Testing agricultural commodities with Gas-Discharge-Visualisation (GDV)     - dr.Ivana Džamić, dr.Jelisaveta Kunosić, mag.Milan Mlađenović: Sensitivity of human energetic field to geopathogenic radiation and the efficiency of magnetic protection     - dr.Aleksandar Stošić, prof.dr. Igor Kononenko, Marjetka Porenta: The influence of artificial beach on human coronas     - dr.Maryanne L. Cowan: The Effects of Crystal Bowl Toning on the Chakras as Measured by the Gas Discharge Visualization Technique (GDV)     - Anton Žulič, prof.dr.Igor Kononenko, Davorin Šmarčan: The influence of Situla A Detox on human coronas     - dr.Paul Dobson, mag.Elena O'Keeffe: Investigation into the GDV Technique and Personality     - mag.Petar Papuga: Methodological difficulties in GDV evaluation in patients with hyperthyroidism SECTION: Objective measurements versus subjective experience Invited lecture:    - prof.dr.Igor Kononenko: Objective science and subjective spirituality are complementary Regular papers:     - Rosemary Steel: Measurement inclusive of the Spiritual (Subjective/Objective)     - dr.Roger Taylor: A Preliminary Study of the "Life-Energy" associated with Orgonite and Ormus by means of a Quantitative Dowsing Method Komentarji (0) www.pozitivke.net


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