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Razumeti denar nedelja, 8. september 2013 @ 20:39 CEST Uporabnik: Pozitivke Economics of Money and Banking: brezplačni online seminar Institute for New Economic Thinking organizira brezplačni online seminar o sodobnem monetarnem sistemu z naslovom Economics of Money and Banking, ki ga bo vodil dr. Perry G. Mehrling, profesor z Univerze Kolumbija.  Stran inštituta seminar na kratko opiše takole: »The course, produced by the Institute for New Economic Thinking and taught by the Institute’s Perry Mehrling, explores money markets and how they work, both in the U.S. and internationally. After taking the course, you will be able to understand everyday financial discourse at a high level. The class will give you extensive knowledge of how money markets work and is designed to give you the tools be able to spot the next crisis before it hits. You’ll learn what Professor Mehrling calls “the money view,” which will teach you the key institutions that underlie the financial system and give you ideas for how they could be reformed to prevent another collapse.« Mehrling pa o seminarju pravi sledeče: »This course introduces students to what I call the “money view” of the modern global economy, which builds on the intellectual traditions of British central banking and American institutionalism. The last three or four decades have seen a remarkable evolution in the institutions that comprise the modern monetary system. As a result, we need a similar evolution in the analytical apparatus and theories that we use to understand that system. But economics has failed to adapt.This became evident during the financial crisis of 2007 to 2009, a watershed event for economists all over the world because most didn’t see it coming, didn’t know what to do about it when it came, and didn’t know how to change economics afterward. For me, by contrast, it was the beginning of a new career because the “money view” that I had been developing seemed to be precisely the approach needed to make sense of the crisis.« Prijavite se lahko tule. Komentarji (0) www.pozitivke.net


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