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Lepota in ljubezen

četrtek, 25. april 2013 @ 23:08 CEST

Uporabnik: stojči

Beauty and love

More you are internally awake, more you can feel your soul,

more beauty you can see around you,

because beauty is nothing more than the awakening of your soul,

to feel, to live, to gratefully breathe from this moment called now.

Love is a beautiful feeling rooted somewhere in depths of your soul,

which has nothing to do with your outer interests,

but when your outer interests prevail,

this beautiful feeling of love disappears,

because in your interests you forget what is giving you love.

Beauty and love are on the same side of this ball called life ;)

Stoyan Svet www.wopg.org

Lepota in ljubezen

Bolj si notranje prebujen,

bolj v sebi čutiš svojo dušo,

več lepote vidiš okoli sebe,

kajti lepota ni nič drugega kot prebujenje tvoje duše,

čutiti, živeti, hvaležno dihati iz tega trenutka zdaj.

Ljubezen je en lep občutek ukoreninjen nekje v globini tvoje duše,

ki nima veze z zunanjimi interesi,

ampak ko tvoji interesi prevladajo, ta lepi občutek ljubezni izgine,

ker v svojih interesih pozabljaš na to, kar ti daje ljubezen.

Lepota in ljubezen sta na isti strani žoge imenovani življenje. ;)

Stoyan Svet www.besedemiru.net

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