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Ti si nesmrtna

sreda, 10. april 2013 @ 11:47 CEST

Uporabnik: stojči

You are immortal

Whatever you do,
you can't abandon this world
and this world can't abandon you,
it's neither here, nor there after death,
in your past and future it doesn't exist,
it's just here between inhale and exhale,
it can manifest as your anger, hate and greed,
which is your dissatisfaction, distress and disease,
or it can manifest as your truth, love, peace and bliss,
which is your inner rest, joy and health,
it's just here always between inhale and exhale.
There is a blood of Jesus, or your holy grail,
there is your inner light and music of universe,
there is your immortality, divinity and fulfillment
there is your heaven and there is your hell,
still all that between your inhale and exhale,
there is that something which by death doesn't disappear,
and I am discovering that all within the self every day,
with my little effort and little master's help. <3

Stoyan Svet

Ti si nesmrtna

Karkoli storiš, ne moreš zapustiti tega sveta,
kakor ta svet ne more zapustiti tebe.
Ni niti tu, niti tam po smrti,
v tvoji preteklosti in prihodnosti ne obstaja,
je samo tu med vzdihom in izdihom,
lahko se udejani kot tvoja jeza, sovraštvo in pohlep,
ki so tvoje nezadovoljstvo, stiska in bolezen,
ali pa se udejani kot resnica, ljubezen, mir in blaženost,
ki je tvoj notranji počitek, radost in zdravje,
je samo tu vedno med tvojim vdihom in izdihom.
Tu je ta Jezusova kri in tvoj sveti gral,
tu je tvoja notranja luč in glasba vesolja,
tu je tvoja nesmrtnost, božanskost in izpolnjenje,
tu so tvoja nebesa in tvoj pekel,
še vedno med tvojim vdihom in izdihom,
tu je to nekaj, kar s smrtjo ne izgine
in jaz vse to odkrivam znotraj sebe vsak dan,
z mojim malim naporom
in malo pomočjo mojega mojstra. <3

Stoyan Svet

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