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Njihov smeh me nasmeje ponedeljek, 1. april 2013 @ 09:52 CEST Uporabnik: stojči Jezusov simbol je bila riba, učil je učence čutiti notranji mir, učil jih je čutiti notranjo blaženstvo, ti in jaz sva tudi riba, najin ocean ni nikjer drugje kot znotraj naju, zato je že dolgo nazaj rekel Kabir; "Ribe so žejne v vodi in vsakič, ko to slišim, me to nasmeje" Ko me novi ljudje srečajo me vprašajo; "Kaj počneš?" Običajno jim odgovorim; "Diham" Ponavadi jih moj odgovor nasmeje, mene pa nasmeje njihov smeh. Stoyan Svet Their laugh makes me laugh The symbol of Jesus was fish, he taught his pupils to feel inner peace, he taught them to feel inner bliss, you and i we also are fish, our ocean is nowhere else than within, that's why long time ago said Kabir; "Fishes are thirsty in the water and every time i hear that it makes me laugh" When new people meet me they ask me; "What are you doing?" I used to tell them;" Breathing" That's what usually make them laugh and their laugh makes me laugh too. ♥ :) Stoyan Svet Komentarji (1) www.pozitivke.net


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