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Mednarodna znanstvena konferenca - Meritve energijskih (bio)polj

sreda, 13. junij 2007 @ 05:01 CEST

Uporabnik: Pozitivke

Mednarodna znanstvena konferenca v Kamniku, Slovenija:
13. in 14. oktobra 2007

Predavanja in predstavitve (v angleščini) vodilnih znanstvenikov iz Evrope, Rusije, Azije in ZDA - enkratna priložnost prisostvovati procesu ustvarjanja nove znanstvene in kulturne paradigme.

Glavne teme diskusije:
Energijska (bio)polja prostora in ljudi:
" Geo-aktivne cone v okolju
" Vpliv kamnov in žlahtnih kamnov na človeško počutje
" Živa (aktivna) voda, strukturirana voda
" Meritve energijskih (bio)polj ljudi

Vabljena predavanja: Dr. Konstantin Korotkov (Rusija), Dr. Igor Kononenko (Slovenija),
Dr. Vladimir Voeikov (Rusija), Dr. Igor Jerman (Slovenija), Dr. Fahri Saatcioglu (Norveška).

Pred konferenco bo delavnica, ki jo bo vodil prof. dr. Konstantin Korotkov:

11. in 12. oktobra 2007


Po konferenci bo prof. Korotkov vodil:

15. oktobra 2007

Spletna stran konference: http://pluton.fri.uni-lj.si/mef2007/

Glavni organizator: Naravni zdravilni gaj Tunjice, Kamnik
Znanstveni programski odbor konference:

So-predsednik: prof. dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Federal University ITMO, Saint-Petersburg, Russia (also, leader of workshop and measuring)
So-predsednik: prof. dr. Igor Kononenko, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
So-predsednik: prof.dr. Vladimir Voeikov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

prof. dr. Dejan Raković, University of Belgrade, Serbia
prof. dr. Igor Jerman, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
dr. Metod Škarja, Institute BION, Slovenia
prof. dr. Tatjana Zrimec, University of New South Wales, Australia
dr. Peter Matravers, Aveda corporation, MN, USA
prof. dr. Gary Schwartz, Arizona University, USA

Organizacijski odbor:
Predsednik: Drago Vrhovnik
Člani: Katja Vrhovnik, Konstantin Korotkov, Igor Kononenko in Zoran Bosnić

Kotizacija za konferenco (13.-14.oktober): 250 € (za predavatelje) in 150 € (za poslušalce) pred 10. septembrom, 300 € (za predavatelje) in 180 € (za poslušalce) po 10. septembru
Kotizacija za konferenco vključuje:
- Konferenčni komplet, udeležbo na vseh predavanjih, sejah, kava in čaj med odmori;
- SAMO za predavatelje: možnost objave 4-strani dolgega članka (v angleščini) v zborniku, možnost za predstavitev med konferenco kot predavanje (ppt – v angleščini) ali poster (programski odbor se mora s tem strinjati);
- Certifikat za udeležbo na konferenci;
- SAMO za predavatelje (za poslušalce je možno kupiti dodatne vstopnice): Kratek izlet (Kamnik in Naravni zdravilni gaj) ter gala večerja;

Kotizacija za delavnico (11-12 oktober): 380 € pred 1. majem; 400 € po 1. maju
Kotizacija vključuje:

- Registracijo in opremo za delavnico;
- Udeležbo na delavnici, kava in čaj med odmori;
- Certifikat za delavnico.

Registracija in informacije: zdravilnigaj@gmail.com Tel: 041 785675
Fax: 01 831 7085

Spletna stran konference: http://pluton.fri.uni-lj.si/mef2007/

Uradni jezik na konferenci bo angleščina. (Na delavnici bo zagotovljeno prevajanje).

Pomembni datumi:
- Zadnji rok za poslati članek v angleščini (glej spletno stran konference za zahtevan format članka): pred 20. avgustom 2007 po emailu:
- Obvestilo o sprejetosti: do 1. septembra 2007 po emailu
- Zgodnja registracija za konferenco: pred 10. septembrom 2007 (za vsak sprejeti članek je treba plačati kotizacijo, da se članek objavi v zborniku)
- Zgodnja registracija za delavnico pred 1. majem 2007
- Delavnica: 11.-12. oktobra 2007
- Konferenca: 13.-14. oktobra 2007
- Praktične meritve v Kamniku: 15. oktobra 2007

Vabljena predavanja na konferenci (v angleščini):

Prof. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Federal University ITMO: Measuring Energy Fields
ABSTRACT: Dr. Korotkov will discuss the human energy field from a scientific view and present the principles of GDV. Research results using EPC GDV for health assessment will be presented. The effects of meditation, concentration, and acupuncture on the human energy field will be discussed. Special topic is discussion of the EPC GDV dynamic real-time measurements during telepathy Himalaya experiments and development of the World project "Life without Blindness". Also discussed will be the colours and types of human energy fields, how to read the human energy field, and how to distinguish between physical and psychological human energy fields. Research works on use of GDV in alternative medicine, consciousness studies, and measurements on charged water, blood, and minerals will be shown. Measuring Energy of Space. New revolutionary sensor technology for analyzing energy of different places. Results of expeditions to sacral places in different countries.

Prof. Dr. Igor Kononenko, Univ. of Ljubljana: Objective Science and Subjective Spirituality are Complementary
ABSTRACT: Both, science and spirituality are looking for the truth, but with completely different basic principles and methodologies. Science insists on objective descriptions of the world. This limits its scope to measurable, describable material world. Science deals with question "HOW universe operates" and develops various scientific theories that try to EXPLAIN. On the other hand spirituality, stemming from various eastern and western traditions, deals with question: WHY universe exists and what is the purpose of life. It is necessarily subjective and relies on personal and intuitive sense. Its aim is the direct experience of reality in order to widen one's consciousness. The spiritual seekers practice spiritual virtues like love, compassion, humility, faith, modesty, patience, courage and sincerity. Mathematics defines strict boundaries for describable, rational (scientifically observable) world - corresponding to discrete world of natural numbers, while irrational world (subjectively observable) corresponds to the continuous world of real numbers. However, for creative development both in material and spiritual world we need both: science and spirituality - they complement each other. In the words of Dalai Lama: mind and heart have to go together.

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Voeikov, Lomonosov Moscow State University: Fundamental Role of Water in Bioenergetics
ABSTRACT: Water represents more than 99% of all molecules of any organism on a mole basis, and in some aqueous organisms it represents more than 99% even by weight (for instance, in jellyfish). Thus it plays a fundamental role both in structural organisation of organisms and in dynamics that make them living. More and more evidence accumulates that significant part of water in living cells and intercellular matrix is represented by interfacial water. This aqueous substance radically differs from both ice and "usual" bulk liquid water. It is itself is highly dynamic and polymorphic, and one of the major properties of such water is that it may serve one of the major stores and sources of energy for the performance of multiple vital functions. In particular, interfacial water on the one hand transforms low grade energy (for example, mechanical energy) into high density (high grade) energy of electronic excitation (EEE), and on the other hand it may be directly oxidized by oxygen (a kind of slow burning, combustion) generating EEE. Both these forms of energy generation depend upon particular patterns of water structuring provided by its contacts with different surfaces, by the dissolved substances including catalysts of water oxidation such as carbonate, by organizing influences of external EM fields upon aqueous systems. EEE generated by organized aqueous systems may be used locally for the performance of different kinds of chemical and physical work; it may accumulate and pool in such systems and migrate within them without dissipation on macroscopic distances. Slow combustion in water and combustion of water is capable to self-organization in space and time expressed in the development of oscillatory-wave regimes. These processes serve intrinsic time-keepers of biochemical processes in living systems as well as sensitive antennas for external oscillatory signals.

Prof. Dr. Igor Jerman, University of Ljubljana: Physical and Biological meaning of Biofield
ABSTRACT: Advances in science are not achieved merely through the accumulation of knowledge but also through the development of new concepts. In physics, the inclusive concept of the field was used centuries ago with a great scientific profit, while in life sciences we are still waiting for a similar universally acceptable term. For the time being, we only use the concept of the field in its strictly physical meaning, e.g. transmembrane cellular electrical field. Nevertheless, an increasing number of research groups make surprising discoveries that require a new conceptual and empirical breakthrough also in the field of life sciences; one of the promising concepts is the concept of biofield. Of course, to establish a new scientific level of explanation and investigation, we must constantly ask questions about and do research into the physical meaning of the biofield. There are several meanings possible: first, it may be a special form of electromagnetic field, like the endogenous, at least partially coherent, EM field proposed by Fröhlich and further elaborated by the group around Giudice and Preparata. Second, it may be an emergent field with new characteristics, even if based on conventional physical fields. Third, it may be, according to the hypothesis by Tiller, a complementary EM field (the so-called ME field) in a higher symmetric realm (SU2 symmetry). There are also hypotheses that connect the proposed biofield with the physically (cosmologically) discovered dark matter of an as yet unknown nature. Whatever the physical basis, the biofield should be a coherent entity that directs and coordinates countless biochemical and biophysical processes within organisms, thus encompassing all the levels of organismic life, from biochemistry and physiology through to morphogenetic processes in embryogenesis. Together with its physical and biological empirical foundation, the concept of biofield opens up new horizons of understanding life, ecology, health and much more.

Prof. dr. Fahri Saatcioglu, University of Oslo: Evidence-based Alternative Therapies - The Example of Yogic Breathing
ABSTRACT: The close connection between mind and body has been recognized since ancient times and has influenced the traditional healing arts from cultures around the world for millennia. Modern scientific recognition of this relationship began in the early 1900s, with broad investigations of psychosomatic phenomena beginning in the 1940s. In the last few decades, this line of research has greatly intensified. The importance of bi-directional interactions between the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems, and their relevance to disease states, has been recognized and documented more widely than ever before. This has given birth to a new scientific field called Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). PNI is based on ancient principles that explore how both positive and negative thoughts, perceptions and emotions can affect bodily responses, specifically with regard to the onset and progression of disease states. A rapidly growing body of research now robustly links psychological and behavioral factors to physiological parameters and to the incidence and biology of a broad spectrum of diseases, ranging from cancer to coronary heart disease, to asthma and HIV-1 infection. For example, number of studies documents an association between life stress and higher incidence of cancer in the lung, breast and colon. Given this evidence that psychosocial factors can play a significant role in alterations of immune and endocrine systems which could impact disease development and progression, it should be possible that behavioral/life-style interventions which reduce psychosocial stress (such as meditation, relaxation training, yoga, cognitive-behavioral interventions) may provide tangible benefits for disease prevention and treatment. This hypothesis is indeed supported by recent findings which will be illustrated using the Yogic Science of Breath as an example which includes cognitive coping and stressor appraisal strategies, simple stretching exercises, and specific and powerful breathing techniques traditionally understood to dissolve emotional distress and create the subjective experience of rest and well being. Thus, the implementation of evidence-based alternative therapies in general health care appears to be beneficial from a physiological, psychological, financial and humanitarian perspective.


11. oktober 2007: DELAVNICA

9:00 - 12:30 Delavnica
12:30-14:30 Odmor za kosilo
14:30-16:00 Delavnica
16:00-16:30 Odmor za kavo in čaj
16:30-18:30 Delavnica

12. oktober 2007: DELAVNICA

9:00 - 12:30 Delavnica
12:30-14:30 Odmor za kosilo
14:30-16:00 Delavnica
16:00-16:30 Odmor za kavo in čaj
16:30-18:30 Delavnica

13. oktober 2007: KONFERENCA

9:00 - 9:40 Vabljeno predavanje
9:40-11:00 Štiri redna predavanja
11:00-11:30 Odmor za kavo in čaj
11:30-12:10 Vabljeno predavanje
12:10-12:30 Eno redno predavanje
12:30-14:30 Odmor za kosilo
14:30-16:00 Sekcija s posterji
16:00-16:30 Odmor za kavo in čaj
16:30-17:10 Vabljeno predavanje
17:10-18:30 Štiri redna predavanja

19:30 - … Gala večerja

14. oktober 2007: KONFERENCA

9:00 - 9:40 Vabljeno predavanje
9:40-11:00 Štiri redna predavanja
11:00-11:30 Odmor za kavo in čaj
11:30-12:30 Tri redna predavanja
12:30-14:30 Odmor za kosilo
14:30-16:00 Sekcija s posterji
16:00-16:30 Odmor za kavo in čaj
16:30-17:10 Vabljeno predavanje
17:10-18:30 Okrogla miza - razprava

15. oktober 2007: IZLET in MERITVE

9:00 - 12:30 Kratek izlet: Kamnik in Naravni zdravilni gaj Tunjice
12:30-14:30 Odmor za kosilo

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